Another Diapered Day

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It had been two weeks since I had bought my diapers. They had just sat in my room waiting for the next opportunity for me to use them. Thankfully that opportunity came. My sister Alex had another dance competition so I was able to convince my family to let me stay home. They left pretty early, around 9:00 in the morning, and they weren't coming back till around 5:30. My mom told me to be good as they left and I told her not to worry. They pulled out of the driveway and headed out of the neighborhood. I waited maybe 10-15 minutes to ensure they wouldn't come back due to forgetting something, but once the coast was clear I made my way upstairs. 

I made my way into my room sliding off my pajama pants and heading into my closet to grab the old diaper box that was filled with new diapers. I took one down and then headed to the bathroom to grab some powder. I grabbed the container and went back to my room. I unstrapped the diaper and laid it down underneath my butt before I powdered up my crotch and butt. I then pulled the diaper up over my crotch and tapped it on. It was even better than I had remembered. It was like a cloud around my waist. I got up and slid my shirt down over the diaper, it didn't go all the way down though so the diaper stuck out. I patted my butt before heading back downstairs for breakfast. 

Once I got downstairs I wanted to watch some TV. I pulled up Netflix and selected a show I had been watching, 'Wait a second,' I thought, 'This show is for adults. If I'm going to wear a diaper I might as well go all in and watch some children's shows,' I then headed to PBS kids and turned on Wild Kratts. I headed into the kitchen and stared into the fridge for a solid minute thinking about what I wanted to eat. I honestly wasn't that hungry so I grabbed the milk and went to the cabinet to get a cup to put it in. As I grabbed my cup I saw, in the back of the cabinet, an old sippy cup I used to drink from as a baby. I grabbed it and washed out some of the dust before pouring my milk in. I then went back over to the couch to watch TV. 

I had finished my milk when the need to use the bathroom really picked up. I had purposely held it until now, until I could barely hold it anymore, to ensure that I used my diaper to its full potential. I got off the couch and sat down on the floor spreading my legs and relaxing, breathing slowly and closing my eyes, until a slow stream began to flow into my diaper, that stream then began to pick up and pee flooded into my diaper. 

I finished and began to rub the warm, squishy, palish yellow diaper. I squished it so that a bit of pee exited my diaper then was reabsorbed. I got up to sit back down when the diaper began to sag. I waddled up the stairs to find something to help with the weight. I looked in my closet, finding nothing, I could've used what I did last time, but that wasn't super efficient. I went through my drawers until I found something, a bathing suit. A one piece bathing suit looked like a tight onzie and would most likely help support the diaper. I took off my t-shirt and slid on the bathing suit, it was a little difficult to get it over the diaper but it wasn't impossible. I then went into the bathroom to check myself out. The diaper made the bathing suit bulge a bit but nobody was going to see. 

I was leaving the bathroom when the milk caught up to me. I'm lactose intolerant, so drinking milk wasn't a great idea seeing as how it basically just flows through me. But a part of me knew that when I drank it. My stomach growled as I trusted a fart that I shouldn't have. Warm hot mess flooded into my diaper, pressing up against me due to my bathing suit. "I should change," I said. 

I took off the bathing suit and grabbed the wipes from the bathroom. I took off the completely messed diaper and wiped myself off before grabbing a new one from the box. I tapped the diaper on after applying a bit of baby powder. Then I put the bathing suit back on over top. 

The rest of the day went pretty normal, aside from the diaper around my waist. I watched TV, played on my phone, called Maggie to talk, not bringing up the diapers. Over the course of the day I wet myself two more times, and I tried to avoid dairy so that the mess that occurred earlier wouldn't happen again. 

Before my parents got home I took off my second diaper of the day and put the two diapers in a trash bag before disposing of them in the trash bin outside. I then put on what I was in when they left and played Minecraft on my Xbox until they got back. It was another diaper success. If only I knew what I was going to tell Kylie. 

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