A Normal Day

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I woke up the following Monday around 8:30. "Shit!" I yelled, I had forgotten to turn on my alarm so I was going to be late getting to school. I quickly got dressed and ate a granola bar before hopping in my car and driving to school. I got to school with a few minutes to spare, luckily I hadn't missed any class time. Exams were in a few weeks and I didn't want to miss anything. First and second periods went pretty slow, I wasn't able to speak to my friends that morning so I wasn't fully awake. 

Once those classes ended we finally went to lunch. Me and my friends often sat outside under a large tree in the courtyard and today was no different. We talked, made jokes, and had fun. We would talk about classes, boys, and girls because my best friend Maggie was bi. She was into this one girl named Erica at the moment. I was into a boy named Tyler. I had been into Tyler for the past two years hoping one day he would ask me out. 

That day Tyler was sitting across the courtyard with his friends so I got up to go say hi and maybe flirt a bit. On my way over a girl came up to me, she was taller than me with glasses and long dirty blond hair. "Hi," she said.

"Hi?" I replied, "excuse me real quick I was just-"

"You don't remember me do you?" 

"Umm... no not really."

"I was at Walgreens!" Then I remembered, she was working behind the counter, she was the cashier, she knew. 


"It's fine, how are you." 


"Are you wearing one?" she whispered to me.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Tyler was coming towards us, this conversation had to end, I didn't want him to find out about my diaper interest. 

"You know the-" 

"Hi Tyler!" I said cutting off the other girl. 

"Hi," Tyler said back.

"Oh hey Tyler," the other girl said.

"Hey Kylie," he said before continuing to walk away. 

"Like I was saying before... the diapers?" Kylie said.

"What diapers?" I replied. 

"The ones you bought?" I couldn't take it anymore I didn't want to discuss this so I walked away, heading back to Maggie and my other friends. 

As I sat there finishing my lunch I saw Tyler go back up to Kylie. It looked like he asked her something, I couldn't really tell, but after he asked it looked like she said yes before hugging him. 'What just happened?' I thought, I had to find out. I got up and went over to Tyler's table. He was still over with Kylie but his friends were over there. "Hey guys," I said to them.

"Hey Oakley," said Aidan, one of Tyler's friends. 

"Um what's going on over there?" I asked. 

"Tyler just asked that girl Kylie to Prom," Bart said. 


"Isn't she hot?" asked another boy, to be honest I didn't really know his name. 

"Yeah.. I guess.. See you guys later." I walked back over to my table and sat down staring at the table. The one girl that knew about my diapers was going to go to prom with the last person I wanted to know. "You alright?" Maggie asked.

"I'll be fine." I replied.

"Tyler is going out with her?" I nodded. "That sucks, well maybe someone will ask you," 

"Maybe," I said, "Maybe."

The rest of the day went by really slow. 3rd and 4th period went so slow, we were reviewing for AP exams that were happening in a few weeks so we didn't learn any new material. I just sat and thought about my situation. I would have to confront Kylie about the diapers. There was no way in hell Tyler was finding out. 

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