​​​​​​​Ka-ching! ~Edited Aug 30, 2023

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Jade sat on the piano bench, her fingers trembling slightly as she hesitantly ran them across each key, starting from the middle. The smooth ivory surface felt cool against her skin, and she could feel the weight of anticipation hanging in the air. As she began to play, the notes flowed out in a seemingly random pattern. She had no particular melody in mind; she was simply exploring the sounds and the emotions they evoked. What she didn't know was that the piano had been charmed, causing each note she played to be heard in every room of the manor.

Unaware of the enchantment, Jade continued to play, losing herself in the mesmerizing music. The hauntingly beautiful sound echoed through the hallways, reaching the ears of everyone in the house. The notes danced and swirled, weaving a magical spell that captivated the hearts of all who listened. After about fifteen minutes of playing, Jade suddenly realized the extraordinary nature of her ability. 

How was she able to play the piano so effortlessly, with such grace and precision? She had never played before, nor had she ever watched anyone else play. It was a mystery that puzzled her. She paused, her hands hovering hesitantly above the keys, contemplating the inexplicable talent that had awakened within her. Thoughts raced through her mind as she tried to make sense of it all. Was it some hidden gift that had been dormant within her all along? Or was it the piano itself, possessing a magic that transcended her understanding?

A sense of awe and wonder washed over Jade as she marveled at the enchantment that had been woven around the piano. It was a gift, an unexpected treasure that had been bestowed upon her. She felt a deep connection to the instrument as if it was an extension of her own soul. With a newfound appreciation for the mysterious power that lay within her, Jade gently removed her hands from the piano keys. The enchanting melody gradually faded away, leaving a lingering sense of magic in the air. 

She took a brief moment to absorb the profound experience she had just encountered before she continued with a more deliberate song. Jade began to think of a song she really liked and began to play it on the piano as well as sing the song.

​​​​​​​Ka-ching by Shania Twain

​​​​​​​"We live in a greedy little world...

That teaches every little boy and girl...

to earn as much as they can possibly...

then turn around and spend it foolishly..."

She sang, sneering as she recalled how many times her Mr. or Mrs. Green had said they couldn't buy something she wanted because of cost, only to later purchase something even more expensive from the same store. 

"We've created us a credit card mess...

We spend the money that we don't possess...

Our religion is to go and blow it all...

So it's shopping every Sunday at the mall..." 

'At least I won't have to see their lying faces anymore.' She thought to herself as she continued singing.

"All we ever want is more... 

a lot more than we had before... 

So take me to the nearest store..." 

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