WICKED words

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Draco divulged every detail to Lucius, holding nothing back. The news hit Lucius like a thunderbolt, eliciting a thunderous roar from him. "What!" Lucius bellowed, his voice filled with anger and disbelief. "The forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason! I will not let Dumbledore get away with this. I will personally go to the school tomorrow morning and deal with him." Lucius's tone was laced with a dangerous edge, almost resembling a growl.

Jade, who had been listening intently, couldn't help but be taken aback by the revelation. Her eyes widened in surprise, but a mischievous smile quickly spread across her face. Despite the gravity of the situation, there was a certain amusement that she found in the chaos unfolding before her. With the conversation coming to an end, Lucius abruptly terminated the floo-call. Draco, however, wore a smile on his face. His mood seemingly lifted in the wake of their discussion. 

The three of them retired to their respective rooms.


Weeks had passed since Lucius stormed through the school and lectured Dumbledore about his concerns regarding Hagrid taking the students into the forbidden forest as a punishment. Lucius was outraged by what he perceived as a lack of accountability and discipline on Dumbledore's part. Despite his impassioned plea, it appeared that the only consequence Hagrid faced was a mere slap on the wrist. Lucius couldn't understand why Dumbledore seemed to dismiss the severity of the situation. 

In his eyes, Hagrid's actions were a clear violation of the school's rules and regulations. Allowing students to venture into a forbidden area, especially as a form of punishment, was a decision that should not have been taken lightly. Lucius believed that Dumbledore should have taken a stronger stance and imposed a more severe punishment on Hagrid. A simple warning of "just don't do it again" seemed insufficient considering the potential dangers posed by the forbidden forest. 

Lucius feared that such leniency would only encourage Hagrid to repeat his actions in the future, putting the students at unnecessary risk.

The students gathered in anticipation, ready to take their exams with the special, new quills that had been provided to them. These quills were not like any ordinary writing instrument; they had been bewitched with a powerful anti-cheating spell. The intention was clear - to ensure a fair and honest assessment of their knowledge and abilities. In addition to their written exams, the students were also required to demonstrate their practical skills. Professor Flitwick, the Charms professor, called each student one by one into his class. 

There, they were given the task of making a pineapple tap dance across a desk. It was a challenging task that required precise wand movements and a deep understanding of charm techniques. The students focused on their concentration, hoping to impress Professor Flitwick with their skill and creativity. Professor McGonagall observed the transformation of a mouse into a snuffbox. Points were awarded for the snuffbox's aesthetic appeal but were deducted if it retained whiskers. 

Snape made them remember how to make a forgetfulness potion. After the exam, Hermione expressed her frustration by stating that Snape was breathing down their necks. However, Jade had a different perspective on the matter. She believed that Snape was simply ensuring that none of the students cheated during the exam. This assumption was supported by the fact that Snape did not provide them with the special quills that had been used in other classes.

After the exams, Jade went to the great hall and heard Hermione and Harry talking about a guy they called 'Voldemort' and having nightmares of him. 

Curiosity sparked in Jade's mind as she made her way to Daphne and Pansy. She refrained from asking them about it right away, but when she finally had the chance, the words tumbled out of her mouth.

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