Where's Daphne? ~Edited Aug 28, 2023

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Jade had been feeling a sense of relief upon discovering that she wasn't significantly behind her peers. She realized that many others, just like her, had come from Muggle families and were equally unaware of their magical abilities. This revelation laid to rest any concerns she had about being left behind in her studies. Even individuals like Ron and Draco, who seemed to have more knowledge, didn't possess a significant advantage. As Friday arrived, Jade found herself at a loss for how to spend her day. 

With no specific plans or obligations, she pondered various possibilities. Perhaps she could use the time to delve deeper into her magical education, catching up on areas where she felt she was lacking. After all, there was an overwhelming amount of knowledge to absorb, and every opportunity to learn was valuable. On the other hand, Jade also considered the importance of taking breaks and allowing herself to relax. 

She had worked diligently throughout the week, immersing herself in the magical world and adapting to her new surroundings. Maybe she could use this day to simply unwind and recharge her energy. Jade had finally succeeded in navigating her way to the Great Hall for breakfast without any detours. As she entered the bustling room, she overheard Harry's inquisitive voice, asking Ron about the day's menu while adding a generous amount of sugar to his porridge. 

Jade couldn't help but cringe inwardly at the excessive sweetness, even though she herself had a penchant for sugary treats. With a determined stride, Jade made her way toward the Slytherin table, scanning the familiar faces to find her friend Daphne. However, she quickly noted that Daphne was still absent from her usual spot.

"Where's Daphne?" Draco asked her as she sat next to him. 

That's when she noticed Pansy was also not there. 

"Don't know. I thought she'd have been here already... maybe she's with Pansy?" Jade said sounding like she was seriously thinking about it and maybe she should have been but she wasn't. 

Just then, as if on cue the post arrived. This was a familiar occurrence for Jade, but it always left her feeling a mix of sadness and anger. Her parents... or rather the Greens, hadn't bothered to send her a single letter since she had arrived here. It was a painful reminder of their absence from her life. In an attempt to bridge the gap, Jade had even gone as far as buying them an owl and explaining how to use it to send her messages. However, her efforts seemed to have been in vain.

As she stood there, watching the other students happily receive letters and even gifts from their parents, a silent tear escaped her eyes. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with longing and a deep sense of loneliness. Jade couldn't help but wonder why they had chosen to distance themselves from her. The letters and gifts that her classmates received only served as a painful reminder of the love and connection she craved from the people who raised her. 

It was difficult for her to understand why they had chosen to be so distant, especially when she had tried so hard to reach out to them. The silence from them weighed heavily on her heart, leaving her feeling isolated and overlooked. Despite her sadness and the anger simmering within, Jade tried her best to put on a brave face. She didn't want her classmates to see how much this absence affected her. But deep down, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy toward those who had loving and supportive parents. 

It was a constant reminder of what she was missing out on. Draco, though he made an effort to lift her spirits, was not skilled in the art of cheering up others. His attempts were feeble and lacked the desired effect. As the first Potions lesson came to an end, Jade picked up on Snape's disdain for Harry Potter, which went beyond mere dislike; it was pure, unadulterated hatred. Confused by her own reaction, Jade couldn't understand why this intense animosity bothered her. 

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