The Royal Secret..

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Damien walked into the stable where Julian was brushing his horse, stopping to stand next to him.

"Hello, Crown Prince." Julian smiled softly.

"You can call me Damien when we're alone, remember." Damien said and leaned against the stall fence.

"Right, sorry, Damien. Is there something you need?" Julian asked, pausing what he was doing to look at Damien.

"I heard today was your birthday." Damien said, looking at Eren.

"You heard correctly. I turned 18 today." Julian said with a smile.

"Uh huh." Damien said, pausing clearly in thought before continuing to speak. "Come to my room after lights out." Damien added before turning around and walking away.

"Um, okay. But why?" Julian asked, confused.

"You'll see." Damien chuckled and walked out of the stable to go inside the castle.

Julian shrugged and started brushing his horse again.

After everyone had gone to bed Julian sat on the steps to the basement and waited a few more minutes to make sure no one would see him walking around when he should be in his cell.

When Julian no longer heard footsteps he quickly but quietly went to Damien's room. Throughout the day he thought of reasons Damien would want him to come to his room, especially after lights out. He was hoping Damien would say he returned his feelings but he knew that was just a childish dream he had. Someone as great as Damien Lazarus could never have feelings for someone like him. But he could still dream. Right? Julian let out a quiet sigh.

Julian took a deep breath when he got to Damien's room and knocked on the door three times and waited.

He heard shuffling and after a few seconds the door opened and Damien appeared.

A blush covered Julian's face at what Damien was wearing or rather, what he wasn't wearing.

Julian's eyes roamed over Damien. He was completely shirtless with just his white jeans on. His abs were very prominent and wow did he want to feel them and lick them. And his skin, it was a creamy pale white. He wanted to kiss and leave marks on his body so everyone would know Damien belonged to him.

"Oi, Julian." Damien said, snapping out of his trance.

"Hm?" Julian's eyes meeting Damien's steel grey eyes.

"I said are you going to come in or just stand there drooling." Damien said, putting a hand on his hip.

Julian's blush went to his ears before nodding and stepping inside Damien's room.

"Sit wherever you'd like. I was in the middle of changing when you knocked Let me just put a shirt on." Damien said and went to his dresser.

"Or don't." Julian said after sitting on the edge of Damien's bed, still staring at Damien's body.

"Excuse me?" Damien asked and let go of his dresser handle.

"I said or don't." Julian said with a shrug. He wasn't sure where this confidence to say this came from but he wasn't going to complain. Even if Damien did kick him.

"You want me to stay shirtless? And why is that?" Damien asked, walking up to Julian before crossing his arms over his bare chest.

"The view is quite nice." Julian said

"Is it now?" Damien said with a small smirk on his face.

Julian nodded and nibbled his bottom lip, his eyes lowered to Damien's crotch. He wanted those pesky jeans gone too as well as whatevers under it.

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