Chapter 1

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I sit at the table, moving the pieces of toast that Peeta cut up for me around with my fork. I feel his and Greasy Sae's eyes upon me but I make no effort to look up and meet them. They murmur among themselves, probably discussing the best strategy that will get me to eat something. They can discuss all they like, nothing could motivate me to put the food in my mouth. Even if I did, there's no guarantee that it would stay down. I feed my toast to Buttercup under the table whenever they aren't looking. Peeta and Sae look at me satisfied when my plate is empty and for a fleeting moment I feel guilty but that moment is gone as quickly as it came. The less I eat, the sooner I can be with my sister again or at least leave this despicable thing called life.
When Sae leaves, I move from my seat at the table to the rocking chair next to the fire. My legs are weak and every step sends a shudder through my body, reminding me how empty I am inside. Peeta watches me, a worried expression forming on his face. He seems hesitant for a moment but then finally decides to bring a chair over next to mine by the fire.
"I don't want to talk, Peeta," I cut his off, before he can say anything.
"Okay," he says simply, getting up from his chair and walking away from me towards the front door. He shuts it gently behind him.
Maybe I shouldn't have been so cold to him, maybe I should have told him to stay with me but then maybe we wouldn't both be so broken if it weren't for me. It's probably best that he's gone, I hurt everyone around me and I've caused more than enough damage to Peeta as it is.
Before my thoughts begin to sink too deep, the front door opens again. I turn to see who it is and meet peeta's striking blue eyes. Something inside me stirs and for a moment I am lost in them. I tear my eyes away from him and direct them back to the fire, surprised I still had the ability to feel like that. He again sits in the chair next to me and opens his notebook and begins to draw.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
He looks up at me, trying to read my expression before answering.
"I'm drawing," he answers, like it's the most obvious thing in the world and then looks down returning his pencil to the paper.
I feel a small smile begin to tug on the corners of my mouth but then I remember, I'm not supposed to be happy anymore. I sink down in my chair and again look at the flames in the fire. It crackles and snaps, hissing at me. The flames crawl up the walls and lick the sides, sneaky and deadly. Like it crawled up my body in the Capitol, like it crawled up my sister's body, swallowing her whole...
I jump up and grab the basin of water sitting by the fire and throw it on to the treacherous flames. I can't stand to look at them a moment longer, it sputters at me defeated. Peeta is looking at me with a startled expression, that being the most energy he's seen me with in a long time. He doesn't say anything though, which I am grateful for. Instead, he puts aside his notebook and walks through my house into the living room and returns with a blanket. He gently wraps the blanket around my shoulders and settles back into his chair.
"Thankyou," I say, as much as I hate to admit it, glad that he is here with me.
We sit like that for hours, in a comfortable silence. The sound of the pencil moving across the paper is soothing and it is the last thing I hear before I fall into a deep sleep.

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