Chapter 11: Hostage Rescue

281 6 1

March 30, 2023

Hereford, United Kingdom

7:00 AM GMT


I awoke to Nokk shaking me awake, I sat up in my bed on high alert.

Y/N: What's going on? Is there an emergency?

Nokk: No, everything is fine, you were just tossing and turning in your bed and muttering something about a person named Peter.

I was immediately embarrassed, so I checked my watch for an excuse to get out of the situation.

Nokk: Is something bothering you?

Y/N: Oh nothing is wrong! I was just going to go to the gym this morning before breakfast.

Nokk: You sure you're alright?

Y/N: Yep! I'm completely all right!

I then commenced my morning routine and went out the door as quickly as possible.

Nokk: Yeah he's definitely hiding something...

Once I was outside, I had no idea where to go so I roamed the hallways until I bumped into a friend I had made recently named who guided me to the gym. Once I got to the gym I noticed that it was pretty dead except for a few people, one person which I knew was Saif.

Oryx: Y/N! How you've been my friend?

Y/N: I've been great! You?

Oryx: Great! Has Harry sent you on an operation yet?

Y/N: Nah, it's been quiet as of late, just training.

Oryx: What! That surprises me, he seemed very excited to have you join the team...

Y/N: I mean I probably wouldn't be that great, probably hit my head on every doorway in the building we'd be clearing.

Oryx: *Laughing* Man, you're funny. Well, enjoy your workout!

Y/N: Alright, thanks!

After the conversation, I went over to a random squat rack and proceeded to put on my preferred weight. After doing four sets of ten I walked over to a bench press rack and repeated the same process. I was about to move on to a treadmill but a somewhat tall man then came up to talk to me.

?: Hello, are you Y/N?

Y/N: In the flesh, you?

Wamai: Ngũgĩ, but most people call me by my code name Wamai. I heard about how you beat my time on the swimming test. That's pretty impressive you know.

Y/N: Weren't you one of the top swimmers?

Wamai: I was the very top swimmer

Y/N: Oh well sorry man!

Wamai: Oh don't feel bad! I just didn't think anyone could beat my record! I like fellow fast swimmers, we got to race sometime!

Y/N: I'm down!

Wamai: Well I'm going to head down to the mess hall to get some breakfast, we can talk on the way.

We walked down and talked on the way there. On the way there I was able to find out that Wamai was part of a PMC called Nighthaven. Once we got our food we went our separate ways. I sat down at a table where many of my friends were sitting.

Blitz: Y/N was that Wamai you were talking to?

Y/N: Yeah, is there something wrong with that

Thermite: Did he try to recruit you into his dog shit PMC of his?

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