Chapter 10: Bad memories

252 4 3

December 19, 2007

11:30 AM GMT

Woods near the family farm, Denmark


(Note: I'm writing this on my phone which makes it hard to do translations. So just imagine the conversation between Peter and Y/N being in Danish. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

I was following the footprints that my 17-year-old brother, Peter, was leaving behind in the deep snow so that I wouldn't get snow in my boots. I was on a mission to help my brother hunt an animal so that I and my family could be able to eat tonight. Radley, Lucas, Sevend, and Aksel were busy helping dad collect firewood for the winter while Mom, Kristina, and SIv were busy patching up the damage the house had endured during the storms we'd had during the fall. This left me and Peter with this job, I did have one of the best shots in the family, so it made sense why I got this job. Peter then came to an abrupt stop and crouched down to examine what looked like some deer tracks.

Peter: Dad taught you how to track animals right?

Y/N: Yeah a little bit...

Peter, would you like to learn some more?

Y/N: Sure!

Peter: Alright do you know what track this is right here?

Peter then pointer at the deer tracks

Y/N: Easy! It's a deer!

Peter: Very good! Now, do you know how to tell where the deer went?

I examined the tracks again, I tried to figure it out but there was no clear direction to where they went, it seemed like the deer almost paced around a lot in the area with a few other deer, and then they scattered off.

Y/N: I can't tell, the tracks are too confusing for me... sorry Peter...

Peter: It's alright, you're still learning. I can't even tell where they exactly went either, but I have a pretty solid guess of where they went to...

Y/N: What? How!

Peter: Rember that there is also a river in that direction?

Y/N: Yeah,,,

Peter: Well, just like humans, Animals need water to live as well, therefore animals like to be around the river so that they can get water easily and well... live!

Y/N: Ooooh, that makes sense!

Peter: Yeah, now let's go get the deer before he leaves!

We then took off in a slow jog to the grove of pine trees in the direction of the river, I was a little behind due to my not being used to the weight of the Mosin Nagant on my back. We eventually got to the middle of the tree grove where there was a clear-ish area. And we lost track of the deer there.

Peter: Well shi- I mean shoot! Shoot! yep totally meant shoot!

While tried to re-track the dear, we heard some movement and growling in the trees around us. I then felt the hairs on the back of my neck go up and I froze. Peter did the same as well.

Peter: What's that noise?

Peter then unslung his Mosin and I proceeded to as well. I could feel adrenaline pumping through my veins as I remembered about the wolves that occasionally would come and kill our cattle.

Y/N: P-Peter, should we get out of here?

Peter then turned towards me

Peter: Yeah, good thinking... let's get out of he-

A wolf then lunged out from the trees and grabbed ahold of Peters arm in it's jaws. Peter then fell to the ground and continued to struggle with the wolf.



I then went to chamber a round in my Mosin, but like usual it was a little stiff. In my panic state I jerked the bolt back causing it to be unstuck but also making me drop the gun in the process. Spilling all the rounds from the internal magazine.

Y/N: No No No! Crap!

I then got down on my knees and picked up my rifle. Peter was reaching for his knife at this point and still struggling with the wolf. I Started to pick up one of the spiled bullets and tried to load it into my gun, but I keeper fumbling it.

Y/N: Come on! Come on! Come on!

Peter eventually reached his knife and used it to stab the wolf in the chest twice, killing it. Peter then slowly got up, picked up his rifle and put it on his back. Then clutched his arm which was
bleeding profusely. He walked up to me and I could see a mix of anger and disappointment on his face.

Y/N: I'm sorry Peter...

Peter: Dad taught you how to shoot that gun! Why didn't you kill the wolf! Now my arm is mince meat!

Y/N: *watery eyed* I-I was scared, that wolf was scary, I wish I could be brave...

I then saw Peter's face soften

Peter: *sigh* Y/N look, it's only natural to be scared in situations like this. Everyone gets scared at times. But what separates the cowards from the brave is how they react to fear. The cowards will run while brave stand their ground.

Y/N: *rubbing eyes* For reals?

Peter: For reals! Now let's get home quickly and patch my arm up, *laughs* I bet mom won't be to happy about me ruining my clothes.

Y/N: *Laughing* Probably

While we were walking back home I noticed Peter's pace gradually slowing down. I then looked down to see that Peter was leaving behind a blood trail, staining the powdery white snow.

Y/N: Oh no! Peter! Your bleeding is getting worse!

Peter: B-but I'm putting pressure on the wou-

Peter then collapsed onto the frigid snow covered ground, after a few seconds a puddle of blood forming around him due to his arm. I ran up to him and began to shake him.

Y/N: *crying* No! Peter! Peter please wake up! Please don't die I love you to much! Peter please! Peter! PETER! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! PETER WAKE UP PLEASE!

March 27, 2023

Hereford, England

7:00 AM GMT


Nokk: *shaking Y/N* Y/N wake up...

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please remember to leave a vote for the story and provide constructive criticism! As I said at the beginning of the story, sorry for the lack of translation. If you guys want I can fix it when I have access to a computer again, but as of now I am currently on the road. Other, stay safe and have a good week!

- Carl

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