Chapter 19: Poker Face

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November 11, 2023

Hereford, United Kingdom

2:35 PM GMT


Y/N: So- explain to me how you got hurt again...

Shurat: Well, I was training with my Spetnaz teammates, and halfway through me and Maxim got into an argument about whether or not I defused the bomb in time... WHICH I DID! Then Maxim and I got into a wrestling match over it, and I got dropped onto my head...

Y/N: And this was on the cement floor of the training area?

Shurat: Yeah... I did have my helmet though! I was fine, but Tina insisted

Y/N: Well... you're 100% going to be on concussion protocol... I'm going to do a couple of tests, and depending on how they go, we may have to do an MRI on your head...

Shurat: But I had my helmet on!

Y/N: You got slammed onto your head, so unless your helmet is as good as those American Football ones, your head is probably jacked up.

After some convincing, I proceeded to conduct concussion tests on Shurat, what was weird was that he was passing all of the tests, showing no signs of any head injury.

Y/N: Wow, you're doing good on your tests, meaning you are showing no signs of a concussion. I'm still going to have you on concussion protocol as a precaution because sometimes signs of a concussion take a few days to appear. Come to me if any signs start to show up. If not, check up with me in three days, and I'll run more tests on you to ensure you are 100% clear. Any questions?

Shurat: No

Y/N: Alright then, you are free to go!


And with that he walked out of the room, leaving me in my office alone. I cleaned up my office a bit before going out on the balcony to stare at the view. Eventually, my shift came to an end so I grabbed my things and left, that was until Doc stopped me, he had one of the med bags around his shoulder.

Gustave: Y/N, Harry wanted me to find you, you and I have been assigned to be the medics for the interrogation beginning in an hour.

Y/N: Interrogation? Of whom?

Gustave: It's the white mask that you, Jackal, Kali, and all of those people helped to capture when you went over the border.

Y/N: How? I thought he was in American custody, why is he here?

Gustave: I don't know, I'm sure Harry will explain why, but he is in our custody now.

Y/N: Okay then... Where do I go?

Gustave: Just head to the interrogation room for right now, bring along the second med bag, Caviera is doing the interrogation so it's probably going to get messy...

Y/N: Alright, I'll be there in a second

I then went and found the second med bag, usually, we only got this one out when there was an operation where we might need to resuscitate someone as it had the Defibrillator, I didn't know what was planned, but it was probably going to end very poorly for this White Mask. When I got to the witness room, I saw Harry sitting on a stool and Gustave was leaning against the one-way window that showed the actual interrogation room.

Harry: Y/N, thank you for coming on such short notice. The White Mask should be here soon, Caveria and a few other team members are outside and are going to escort the prisoner to the room once he arrives. You can take a seat while we wait for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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