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Location: Wroclaw Poland, location unknown

Operation: >REDACTED<

Date: 11/15/2019

Time: 1:35 AM CET

Diamondback POV:

        The weather was cold in Poland today, nothing that I wasn't used to at this point though. After a good 6 months or so of terror operations in Poland, nothing really fazed me anymore. Me and a fellow white mask were just standing outside of an abandoned building, waiting for the "package" to arrive, we got into a conversation with each other.

WM: So, you want to get a drink after this or something?

Diamondback: I don't know about you, but lately all these operations have gotten me crazy tired, I think imma hit the hay after this. 

WM: Cool, Cool. 

While we were in the middle of our conversation, a white van pulls up, the side door opens revealing my friend "poker" and a couple of other white masks. They also drag out a man, all beat up and bruised, that was our package. 

Poker: Wassup?

Diamondback: Nothing much, just tired. 

Poker: Same here man.

Diamondback: Lets get the "package" inside before someone sees us.

We dragged the "package" inside the building and locked all the doors and windows before we tied the package to a chair with some rope. Then we got to business, I pulled out the file we had on him to fact check him. So we could see if he was being cooperative.

Diamondback: Ok, whats your name?

Radley: I'm R-Radley L/N...

Diamondback: What unit do you work for?

Radley:  The Jaeger Corps... 

Diamondback: Okay good, good... hmm let's see what else do we have here?

Radley: You seriously think you're going to break me? 

Diamondback: (Stares at Radley intensely) Do you think that this is a game?

Radley: Ha Ha, if this was a game you would've been dead by now...

Diamondback: *sigh* You and your family, are always so rebellious. Speaking of your family, it seems like they have quite a reputation. Especial-

Radley: And they're going to come and kill you and your team if you don't let me go! (spits at Diamondbacks feet)

A White Mask comes up to Radley and punches him hard, making his nose bleed.

Diamondback: What I was saying, is that you and your family have quite the reputation, especially Y/N L/N, does the name "Warlord" ring any bells? 

Radley: If you lay a finger on my brother...

Diamondback: Shh shh, we didn't bring you here so you could yell at us, we came here to ask you questions.

Radley: Good Luck trying to get me to talk!

Poker: I would watch your tone if I were you... (pulls out combat knife) 

Diamondback: The point i'm getting at is, you and your brother are good fighters, just on the wrong side. So you have two options, we take you peacefully, or by force.

Radley: Do what you want, we aren't joining you mad dogs!

Diamondback: Ok, maybe this will help you change your mind. (grabs radio) 

I radioed my friend, "Blizzard" also know as the best sniper the White Mask has to offer.

Diamondback: Hey Blizzard you in position?

Blizzard: Yes sir

Diamondback: Well then you know what to do...

Blizzard: Yes Sir

Blizzard POV:

I was laying prone on the cold hard ground, aiming down the scope of my Mosin Nagant, watching the Polish commander eat in the mess hall through a window. Little did he know, the White Masks most feared sniper was watching him, ready to pull the trigger. I slowed down my breathing turned on my body camera, and then finally, pulled the trigger. The bullet went through the window and pierced his flesh, everyone in the mess hall panicked. I picked up the brass from my gun and left without a trace.

Diamondback POV: 

Me and Radley watched Blizzards body cam footage, Radley went pale and then I asked him. 

Diamondback: So, have you reconsidered your decision? 

Radley: Yes sir, i'll join...

Diamondback: Good good, we'll worry about your brother later...

WM: Well see you in the morning (Hits Radley in the face with the butt of his gun, knocking him out.) 

Diamondback: Well, let's go before Team Rainbow blocks all the roads, put Radley in the back.

All WM in unison: Yes sir! 

A/N Hey! hope you enjoyed my first-ever story, make sure to favorite this chapter so that more people can see my story, Thanks!

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