Chapter 5: Recruitment

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February 15th, 2023

Location: Someplace in rural Denmark.

Time: 7:00 PM CTE


I had been sitting in the car for a few minutes now driving to this location, wherever it was.  We have dove so far that we were now in a coastal area in Denmark. My leg was starting to fall asleep as I was cramped in this car. We eventually stop at a place that looks like a normal house with no other houses anywhere around it.

Harry: Well, we're here.

Y/N: Wait, this is just a regular house? Are we this at a random person's home?

Harry: It may look like just a house, but this is one of our safehouses in Denmark, this thing is pretty much bomb-proof.

Y/N: Oh ok, pretty cool in my opinion.

We both hopped out of the car and I took a deep breath of the ocean air, we walked up to the door in which Harry knocked on it, the door opened and I was greeted with the sight of Nokk.

Y/N: Umm... hello Nokk...

Nokk: Hello Y/N, come in, please.

I walked in, it was somewhat awkward, I mean I was just pulled away from family dinner and driven to the middle of nowhere to be recruited. They offered me a seat at a rectangular, walnut table. Harry turned the lights on and the room was covered in yellow light, he then took a seat and pulled out a manila folder with my picture paper clipped on. 

Y/N: Alrighty, so the first thing I got to say is that your recruiting strategy sucks, pulling me all the way out to the middle of nowhere to recruit me?

Harry: Umm... okay then... thank you for the feedback...

Nokk: Alrighty, let's get to the point here, me and Harry both see talent in you, and we think that you would be a valuable asset to Team Rainbow. We would like to extend an invitation for you to join.

Y/N: Hmm... okay... do I have to move anywhere to be a part of this organization?

Harry: We have our HQ set up in Herefordshire England, we offer free living space and other needs to all members of Rainbow.

Y/N: Okay... and I'm pretty sure Nokk told me this but I don't have to leave my unit or anything like that right? 

Harry: Correct

Y/N: Alrighty, convincing... what CTUs do all the operations come from?

Harry: We have many operators from all different CTUs... FBI SWAT, GIGN, GSG9, Navy SEALS, Nighthaven, BOPE, SAS, GROM, Spetnaz...

Y/N: Wait Spetnaz... like Russian Spetnaz... why are they in there?

Harry: Listen, they're not like the Russian Insurgents who invaded Denmark when you were a child.

Y/N: Wait, how do you know about this? It shouldn't have that in my files...

Nokk: I told him, that way he could understand your perspective on things.


Nokk: Sorry, I admit, I should have asked you first...

Y/N: Duh

Harry: I mean plus, I'm old enough to remember seeing the invasion go on when I was a teenager. I remember watching it on the news on the television as a kid. 

Y/N: I wasn't on the news was I?

Harry: Not you specifically, they did mention your resistance group though, and how your small group was taking down practically the whole Russian insurgence/army.

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