Chapter 17: Finding a Lead

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October 26, 2023

Hereford, United Kingdom

10:15 AM GMT


I was finishing up my last session of physical therapy, I had made incredible progress over the month and a half I was in physical therapy. I had gotten to the point where I could do most of my normal actions and completely regained my strength. And my cardio was starting to come back, and my combat skills were resharpened through many intense training sessions. After a long morning workout, I was sitting in the mess hall talking to the boys.

Thermite: So when do you think you're coming back?

Y/N: I was cleared to go back on duty last week, so now I am just waiting for Harry to assign me to a mission.

Thermite: That's good, I don't know if I can handle Oliver being the squad medic anymore.

Blitz: Wait, every time you've gone on an operation, you've had Oliver as the medic!

Thermite: YES! I Can't take it anymore man!

Tachanka: Seems like you've had pretty bad luck then my friend, I haven't had him as the medic in any of the teams!

Sledge: That's because Lera always makes sure to be in your teams!

Tachanka: Da, that's true!

Castle: Lucky son of a b****!

Y/N: Well, I'll make sure to try and be in your units just for you!

We continued to talk for a while longer, talking about everything from video games we have been playing recently to different music artists we have been listening to. Eventually, we got interrupted by Harry on the intercom.

Harry: *on intercom* I need operators Kali, Wamai, Ace, Warlord, and Jackal to report to the briefing room immediately

Thermite: Ah, you got to work with Kail and those guys, I'm sorry for you man!

Y/N: Eh, at least I got Ryad, he's cool.

Kapkan: They better not try to recruit you into Nighthaven!

Y/N: Not like I would accept their offer anyway!

And with that, I made my way down to the briefing room. When I got there I saw Ryad sitting in a chair and Wamai standing near the briefing table.

Wamai: Y/N! I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been my friend?

Y/N: I've been good, I have regained most of my strength so we might finally be able to do that swimming race sometime!

Wamai: That would be great! Glad to hear that you're better now.

As we were talking Kali walked in along with Havard and sat down. Wamai then sat down as well prompting me to do so as well. Eventually, Ryad walked in and sat down before reaching across the table to dab me up. Kali looked disgusted at this, most likely because it wasn't "professional" to her standards. I guess that she probably doesn't pay any attention to Havard.

Harry: Thank you all for coming quickly! This is an important mission for our investigation team in finding the exact culprits of the attack at the mall. Our investigation team has found a lead on where the gas bombs may have come from. The Coast Guard intercepted a narco boat last week near Florida, on the boat contained many kilos of drugs and a letter written to a man codenamed Poker thanking him for having the cartel smuggle items for them again. They also had a reminder telling him to make sure the "package" isn't late for the smuggling operation today at 1:00 AM across the US-Mexico border followed by the approximate area of the location.  The cartel has been confirmed to be the Perros Del Infierno cartel, but we do not know what the package they are smuggling is or the party they are smuggling for. Thanks to the operation Nokk and Warlord did in the Florida Swamps, we know that Perros Del Infierno has a history of working with the White Masks. Also thanks to CIA intelligence, we know that the White Masks have set up a small outpost in Rio Bravo Mexico. Our investigation team sees this as a sign that the White Masks are going to smuggle something into the US later tonight. Your objective is to intercept this smuggling operation, investigate what the package is, and find out if the cartel is working closely with the White Masks or not. You will be transported to Dallas, Texas by airplane and then Border Patrol will assist you in getting to the location where you will search for the smuggling operation and stop it. Do you all understand?

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