Chapter 1: It was just a normal day...

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February 7th, 2023

Location: Jaeger Corps base, somewhere in Denmark

Time: 6:30 AM CET


I awoke to the sight of my twin brother, Aksel, in my face.

Aksel: Hej! vågn op, vi fik en patrulje kl. 12:00. (Hey! wake up, we got a patrol at 12:00)

Y/N: Okay, bare gå ud af mit ansigt, du spyttede på mig! (Alright, just get out of my face, you spat on me!)

Aksel: Okay, okay, undskyld. (Alright, alright, sorry)

I got out of my bed as my brother, Aksel, went out the door.

Y/N: (checks watch) Jeg burde nok gå til morgenmad. (I should probably go to breakfast.)

After I finished my daily routine, I went down to the mess hall for breakfast. When I got there I hopped into a line to get my food, a plate of nice, warm Æggekage. I walk around until I find the table my team is sitting at. I find a spot and sit down, just then my friend, Einar AKA "Inferno"  bumped me in the shoulder. 

Inferno: Hvad sker der! (What's up man!)

Y/N:  Ikke meget, bare træt. (Nothing much, just tired.)

Inferno: Nå, du må hellere vågne op, vi skal patruljere København. (Well, you better wake up, we gotta patrol Copenhagen.)

Y/N: Jeg ved... hvis bare de hvide masker ikke var et problem, så kunne vi alle leve i fred. (I know... if only the white masks weren't a problem then we could all live in peace.)

Inferno: Aftalt. (Agreed)

At that moment my brother Aksel tapped me on the shoulder, I looked back at him.

Aksel: Hej! Skud over! (Hey! Scooch over!)

I moved over a bit so that my brother could have room to sit next to me. I looked up and saw the rest of my team walking over to the table with their trays of food.

Y/N: God morgen... (Good Morning...)

All in unison: God morgen... (Good Morning...)

They all sat down and dug into their food, I noticed everyone was there except my oldest brother, Lucas, and the one girl that always wore a veil over her head. We all called her Nokk, and we all have come to be good friends with her to the point where she trusts us. Sometimes when it is just our team, she will walk around without her veil but most of the time she keeps it on. Although nobody knows her name, except for me, that is a story for another time.

Inferno: Nå, jeg er færdig, vi ses i våbenhuset. (Well, I'm done, see you in the armory.)

Y/N: Vi ses der (See you there)

While Inferno got up and left, Nokk sat down with her food

Y/N: God morgen Nokk (Good morning Nokk)

Nokk: God morgen Y/N 

Then one of Nokk friends walked over to talk to her. I finished eating and threw my tray away, I then walked out of the mess hall and headed down to the armory. There was no one in the hall, leaving me to be alone with my thoughts. I don't what but I always get some "feeling" when I am around Nokk, especially when she shows her face. "There is just something about her, but I don't know what." I thought. I eventually made it to the armory where Lucas and Inferno were already in uniform talking, I quickly put my gear on and joined the conversation.

Inferno: så du har fået en pige endnu (So, you got a girl yet Y/N?)

Y/N: Næh, ikke endnu (Nah, not yet)

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