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Jayliah in mm>>>>>

I reached over and stopped my alarm. It was early in the morning, and time for me and jaylicia to get going.

I woke up and got dressed in the clothes i pick out last night. I put on my socks and shoes, then went in the bathroom. When i cut on the light and looked in the mirror, i seen my eyes were a little puffy from my crying.

I plugged up my flat irons, then
brushed my teeth and washed my face. After putting on lotion, i applied a little mascara and eye liner. It made my eyes look less puffy. My flat irons were hot enough so i just simply press my hair out straight. My hair stopped a little below my shoulders and I had it dyed honey brown in the front.

Once i was done in the bathroom i cut off the lights and put on lipgloss and my earrings. After i was done getting completely dressed, i woke jay up.

"Come on mama we got school." I said picking her up and she whined. She laid her head back down on me and went back to sleep.

I pick up her clothes that were already laid out out and walked back over to the bed. I stood her up but she sat back down. "Stand up jalicia so we can get dress." I commanded

I wasnt being rude, but every morning she hates getting up and its the struggle. She stood up and i put on her shirt. She rest her hands on my shoulders for balance while i put her feet in the foot of her jeans. Once they were in i told her to pull her pants up. Once she was dressed she sat down on the bed so i could put her shoes on.

I put on her socks and shoes before putting on some of the hair bow that came off. Once i was done with her hair we went in the bathroom so she can brush her teeth and wash her face.

We were all done, I grabbed my book bag and put it on my back then grabbed hers and put it on her back as well. I remember i had her book so i put it in her book bag before grabbing the spoon from last night and leaving out.

We walked into the living room and i could see my mom cooking. Figuring it was just for her and micheal, i went in the refrigerator looking for something me and jay could eat.

I told her to sit at the table so i could fix us something. When my mom seen us she turned around, "oh hay, yall hungry?" She asked with a little smile.

I stale faced her, "hungry? Since when did you care if we were hungry?" I said with a attitude.

Every morning we wake up i have to make me and jay something to eat and half the time i cant do that based of us not having nothing or either the time but my mom always makes food for her and micheal. Then when he is by her and they see us walk in, she'll say make yall some cereal.

Like you can fix this nigga a whole fucking meal like he royalty but when your kids get get up, we gotta eat some fucking cereal.

"Look i know i dont cook for yall, but just eat micheal isnt here and-" i cut her off

"Oh soo Michael isnt here thats why you acting like you care about us." I said and she looked down and sighed

I looked back at jaylicia who was sitting at the table in her own world. Even though i was mad as hell i wasnt gone let that stop jaylicia from eating.

"Come eat jay." I called out and momments later we saw jay walking into the kitchen

I grabbed her plate off the counter and placed it in her hands. " awe you made us breakfast this morning liah?" She asked

I shook my head, " no mom made us breakfast this morning." I said and she looked at me funny.

"She made us breakfast? But she nev-" i quickly interrupted her not wanting her to say anything wrong. even though it would be kinda funny if i let her say something rude.

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