Hay guys, enjoying the story so far??
This is just a authors note, im just going to inform you guys on some things.
One is that im going to start adding the point of view of the other characters. I think it would be good if you guys can see what the others are thinking.
So when you see a character name in bold like this, then just know the following words are being told from that person's p.o.v
Next thing is i would really like if you guys comment and tell me what you think.
I accept all feedback, you guys opinions on what happens or anything funny or you liked. How you feel about the characters or even the pictures in the mm. Tell me it all.
But if its something negative towards me or my writing please keep it to yourself.
Next thing, can you guys please vote.
Some people say they dont know how, well its simple. All you have to do is tap the screen and a menu bar pops up at the bottom. Simply click the star in the middle and you have voted.
Please do that for every chapter, that would be nice
These are things i would really like for you guys to do because it encourages me to update.
But thats all, vote,comment, please and thank you.☺
And who ever is reading my story thank you so much, i would like if you vote and comment to but i appreciate you for reading
Thank you guys ☺
Will It Get better
Romansajayliah is a 16 year old girl who lives with her mom, step dad and 3year old sister. jayliah's life is like living hell. she is constantly being miss treated by her stepdad and her mom doesn't do anything in fear of him. her mom always try her best...