18. Spilling the Beans

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Cowards are those who are not sensitive.

"I told you to come to my room, didn't I?" Verma's voice was thick and menacing. "I waited for fifteen minutes and you know very well I hate to wait. You remember my punishments, don't you? But in case you forgot, I will be happy to revive your memory."

Priya trembled but gathered courage and warned him raising her finger, "I am no longer a child and can give it back to you. Stay away."

Verma laughed devilishly and scanned Priya from head to toe. He knew he had the girl in his control.

I don't like this scene. Not in my heart. Not anywhere.

Verma came face to face with Priya and ordered her, "Come on, bend down. Take my blessings."

Did he mean what I think he meant? Was he trying to abuse Priya? She didn't move an inch and her face exhibited fear.

"Priya, where are your manners? I thought your mother taught you well."

"Don't take her name from your filthy mouth," Priya spoke in a low voice laced with anger.

Verma laughed hysterically and said, "Not take her name? Your guts amuse me." Verma clenched Priya's jaw in his fist and threatened her, "I have warned you several times, to quit playing kitchen-kitchen. This field has destroyed our lives. Your mother was a stubborn bitch and you are no better. I will ruin your career just like I did hers. Mehta is a dear friend and takes my word very seriously. If I tell him the name of your mother he will throw you out of this resort and trust me you are not going to get a job anywhere. This is my last and final warning Priya, succumb to my demands else this monster will wake up."

"Do whatever you want to do, but I am my mother's daughter and will not give in to your demands. Cooking is my life, and I'd rather die than quit it." Priya's brave reply angered Verma further, and he pressed her jaw harder.

"Then die, for all I care." Verma caught her hand in his fist and dug his nails into her veins. Priya tried to remove his hand but her attempts were futile. She winced in pain and it made Verma proud of his power.

"What's happening?" There comes the knight in shining armour. Jayveer darted his dark eyes at Verma and in five long strides, he reached towards Priya. He wanted to check the kitchen one last time before locking it when he saw Verma misbehaving with Priya.

Verma left Priya with a jerk and straightened his suit.

Priya rubbed her wrist and twisted her jaw to ease the pain. Jayveer asked her with concern, "Priya are you alright?" She didn't reply and stood silently looking at the ground. "Mr Verma, care to explain your action." Jayveer's expression and tone were strict.

"Chef Jay, don't waste your time and talent on issues of this girl. She doesn't belong in the kitchen and shall soon quit. You deserve a better pastry chef who cooks better and is non-acidic."

Jayveer didn't like Verma's comment or his actions and remarked in a very intense sarcastic tone, "You are a renowned food critic, but I am amazed you are not aware of the role acids play in food. Right now, I want you to leave my kitchen else this incident will be reported."

Verma clicked his tongue and said, "Chef Jayveer, I am infamous for making or breaking people's careers. Choose your side wisely as you don't even have a solid family backup. And as far as reporting this incident goes..." Verma bent towards Priya and said, "Ask her if she wants to report about me or not?" Verma kissed the side of Priya's temple making her flinch with disgust and he left the kitchen smirking in victory.

Jayveer looked furious and took steps to punish Verma for his inappropriate actions but Priya caught his hand and nodded her head in no. When Verma was out of sight Jayveer controlled his anger and asked Priya, "I am not going to ask you questions as I can see you are not okay. Get some sleep. We'll take this tomorrow that is, if you want." Jayveer was getting restless, but he wanted to give Priya time to normalize.

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