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"You like me and that is the reason why you won't kill me?" Yeji asked.

"Yes, you're a very determined woman and I love that." Ryujin grinned. Yeji tilts her head to let Ryujin know she is confused.

"But aren't other cops the same way?" Yeji asked. Ryujin shakes her head.

"Look, your father doesn't deserve you. He only thinks of you as his sweet, helpless, little girl." Ryujin told her.

"I know." Yeji replied.

"I don't think of you like that, I think of you as a strong, beautiful and independent woman." The murderer praised. This caused Yeji's eyebrow to furrow in confusion.

"So.. What are you trying to get at?" Yeji isn't understanding why she just started talking about her life.

"Join me." Ryujin straight-up told her.

"What?" Yeji asks, thinking she heard incorrectly.

"Join me, I'll take better care of you."

"What if I don't join?" Yeji asks.

"Then you don't, you can always join me if you'd like. I'm not going to kill you because of some decision." Ryujin says.

I don't think this criminal is sober..

"Oh.." Yeji let out.

"You don't want to join?" Ryujin pouted.

"Um.." Yeji lets out, thinking of a way to not trigger the murderer. "I've trained years to be hired by my dad. I'm not just going to give it up.."

"Well then, you can try to arrest me then. I've gotten away from cops for years, a rookie cop like you won't arrest me." Ryujin chuckled.

Is she asking for competition?

"Now, goodnight." Ryujin puts the handkerchief to Yeji's nose. Yeji inhaled the chemical that caused her to be knocked out.

When Yeji wakes up, she finds herself on a couch at a different house. That's when she realized it was Shin Ryujin's abandoned house. She looks around and there was no sign of Ryujin.

She turns on her phone to check the time. It was 12AM and had around 200 missed calls from her father and brother combined. She quickly got up and drove home.

When she arrived home, she sees her brother and father walking around the room, looking very stressed. She opens the door.

"Yeji! What happened?" Her brother yelled, bringing his arms around her. Hugging her tightly like she was missing for years.

"Hyunjin, chill, I wasn't gone for that long.." Yeji says. Trying to push his arm to get him off of herself.

"Where the hell were you and why were you not answering our calls?" Her dad scolded.

"Sorry, I was on the Shin Ryujin case and my phone was on silent.." She lies because if she knew that if she told the truth, her father probably would've fired her. She already knows that he only accepted the deal because she wouldn't be able to find Ryujin.

"Next time, let us know. We were worried!" Her dad yelled before sitting on the living room couch.

"I can take care of myself, I'm an adult." Yeji rolled her eyes.

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