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"Where's Yeji? Why hasn't she been answering?" Her father scolded.

"I don't know." Hyunjin answers.

"I haven't heard from her in 2 days!" Mr. Hwang worryingly says, "If she doesn't come back by tomorrow, I'm going to call for search warrants."

Hyunjin texts Yeji.

"Hey, come home.. Dad is going to hire search warrants to come find you."

Yeji receives a text on her phone. It was from Hyunjin.

"My brother texted me, he told me that my dad is going to hire search warrants." Yeji warned Ryujin.

"Then you'll be staying in this room for a couple of months until they're gone." She replies.

"But why?" Yeji asked.

"Make them think you're dead." Ryujin says.

"But why?" Yeji asked again.

"You'll thank me after knowing why." Ryujin answered.

"Uh.. okay." Yeji says, confused, "So should I respond? No?"

"No," Ryujin says, "Don't answer."

A knock was at the door. Hyunjin and Mr. Hwang immediately rushed towards it, hoping that it was the news about Yeji being found.

"Sir, you're not going to like this news." One of the search warrants says, with the rest of the search warrants grouped behind him.

"Fuck!" Her father yelled, already knowing that they still haven't found Yeji. It's been 2 weeks and there are at least a dozen of search warrants, who still haven't found his daughter.

"I'm sorry, but we came to a conclusion that she might be dead." The search warrant said.

"What?" Hyunjin asked.

"We think she's dead." The search warrant gulped.

"Well, you think she's dead. Keep on fucking looking, assholes!" Mr. Hwang scolded, making all of them jump. His shouts were no joke, the search warrants and even Hyunjin are frightened by it.

"Yes, sorry sir, goodnight." They all nodded before walking away.

Mr. Hwang slams the front door. Making Hyunjin startled from the loudness of the door.

"I knew it." Mr. Hwang sat on the couch, resting his face inside of his hands, sobbing.

"Huh?" Was all Hyunjin let out. Hyunjin had never seen him cry. Ever.

"I knew that I never should've let Yeji take that case." His dad said with a cracking voice, he really was crying.

Hyunjin was surprised to see Dad cry. Especially because his dad always said that weak men cried whenever Hyunjin was crying. But Hyunjin couldn't blame him for crying, it was his daughter that he had lost.

"Dad! She's not dead, alright?" Hyunjin tried to reassure as he started to tear up as well.

"I'll hate myself forever, if she died to that damn Shin Ryujin." His father cried, "I'll kill that fucking criminal." He had no more strength to yell, he could only cry about his missing daughter.

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