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He'd didn't think he'd see her face at this crime scene.

"Yeji?" The cop asks, then looks at the other girl, "Shin Ryujin.."

"Hyunjin.." She felt that there was no way she could talk herself out of this situation.

And yes, she never thought she would've regretted killing her father. She and Ryujin raises their hands at the sight of him.

"Yeji, you killed Dad!" He was terrified of the blood spilling from his father's head. He didn't even want to play cop anymore.

"Hyunjin, I'm so sorry!" Yeji apologize, knowing that her sorriness will not bring her dead father back to life.

"Yeji, are you fucking crazy?" He yelled.

"Hyunjin, I did this for you!" Yeji indeed went mad. Ryujin was immediately getting deja vu when she had murdered her parents.

"Fuck! I don't even know what to do, you're the last person I have left. I can't just arrest you!" Hyunjin cried, he couldn't bare to lose Yeji.

Even though Yeji was a criminal, she was still his beloved sister.

"Then come with us," Ryujin thought aloud.

"I'd be a criminal." Hyunjin yelled.

"Nobody knows it was us who killed your father, except you." Sirens were being heard in the neighborhood. Hyunjin had to make a decision quickly.

"If you really love Yeji, you'd do this for her." Ryujin says, trying to get inside his head. Which surprisingly worked.

"Shit! Get in the car." He grabs Yeji and runs. Ryujin followed right after them.

When they got in the car, Hyunjin quickly drove off before backup could arrive. They fled easily, there were no cars chasing after them.

They got insanely lucky. They all sigh with relief.

"Hyunjin, thank you so much." Yeji was really grateful for her brother.

"Yeji, I can't believe I'm fucking doing this." Hyunjin says, he was feeling guilty about everything.

"Hyunjin, I owe you a lot." Ryujin thanked.

"I'm dropping you guys off, don't worry about me. I just can't see myself as a criminal." Hyunjin says.

"You already are one! Hyunjin, just come with us." Yeji tries to talk him out.

"Goodbye, Yeji." He says as he slammed the door, dropping them off in the middle of nowhere.

"Yeji, please don't do stupid shit. I wont be able to save you the next time." He says, while starting the engine.

"How are you even going to talk those policemen out of this?" Ryujin asked.

"I'd just say I went to the wrong house, the bad thing is that they'll most likely fire me.." Hyunjin sighed.

"Hyunjin, your efforts doesn't have to be wasted. Just come with us, we won't do something like this ever again! I promise." Ryujin was really good at convincing him because he actually agreed.

They all survived and drove as far as they could away from Seoul. Hyunjin, Ryujin and Yeji still wore masks incase they were reported.

They all became each other's partner in crime. But the feeling of guilt and regret still lingered inside of them.

Karma was coming to get them.


There's no good ending, this ending is probably the closest to a good one..

Other endings: Evil ending, Bad ending

hope u enjoyed

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