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Could this get anymore embarrassing? Yeji wanted to leave.

"Can you let me go? This chair is uncomfortable." Yeji complains.

"How can I trust you? I mean you lied to me three times." Ryujin says.

"It's embarrassing to admit the truth." Yeji says.

"Well, that's too bad because I won't let you go."

"I need to get home to my family." Yeji whined.

"The dad who doubted you?" Ryujin questioned.

"Yes, he still is worried about me." Yeji explained.

"Yeji, if he loves and worries for you then he wouldn't doubt you." Ryujin says.

"Who are you to talk about love?" Yeji lets out.

Shit, what the fuck am I thinking? Am I asking to die? Yeji realized.

"What was that?" Ryujin stands up.

"Nothing." Yeji muttered.

"No, tell me." Ryujin demanded.

"I mean.. You killed your family." Yeji tells her.

"They deserved it, my parents were abusive." Surprisingly, Ryujin wasn't too angry about Yeji mentioning their death.

"Even your siblings?" Yeji asked.

"I saw them trying to turn me in. Even though I saved them from being beaten." Ryujin says, "They were too much of a pussy to kill them. So I did it for them because I loved them."

"Then what about the men you've murdered?" Yeji asks about Ryujin's recent murders.

"They were sexualizing me. I'm not letting men step all over me."

Yeji looks around. She wants to change the topic.

"So am I just going to stay here?" Yeji asks.

"No, unless you want to join me.." Ryujin smiled. Her smile seemed sad.

"Ryujin, I already told you." Yeji reminded.

"I know," Ryujin says, "You won't be able to arrest me in 5 days."

"You don't know that." Yeji says.

"What if you don't arrest me?" Ryujin asks.

"What?" Yeji lets out.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well," Yeji says. She's never really thought about it.

She couldn't just go home to her father after being embarrassed by him and being fired from his department. Her father would always lecture her, telling her that he told her so.

There's nothing else she could be able to do because she spent almost her entire life just to become a cop. Her father already told Yeji that he would tell other police departments to not hire her either.

She couldn't just work at Starbucks or McDonalds for the rest of her life.

"I don't know," Yeji lets out.

"Exactly." Ryujin says.

"Let me arrest you." Ryujin laughs.

"I'll play fair but I'm not going to be easy to arrest." The criminal lets her know.

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