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He'd didn't think he'd see her face at this crime scene.

"Yeji?" The cop asks, then looks at the other girl, "Shin Ryujin.."

"Hyunjin.." She felt that there was no way she could talk herself out of this situation.

And yes, she never thought she would've regretted killing her father. She and Ryujin raises their hands at the sight of him.

"Yeji, you killed Dad!" He said as he pointed his gun at his sister and Ryujin, "Stay put, I will use it if I have to!"

"I'm so sorry, Hyunjin!" Yeji tries to apologize. But apologizing wouldn't have turned back time, what has been done was already done.

"Save it!" His hands were shakily holding the gun, he was terrified about his father's dead body.

"I killed him for you!" Yeji yelled.

"For me or not, you're a murderer. I have to turn you in." This sentence reminded Ryujin of her past.

"Yeji, nod if you want to escape! But you might not ever forgive me if you agree." Ryujin says.

Yeji doesn't nod. She knew what she had done was awful, she had to turn herself in.

"Yeji, I might be sentenced to death." Ryujin quivered at the thought.

"I might too, we have to pay for our actions." Yeji explained.

"Yeji.." Ryujin is crying.

"If you are sentenced to die, I'll convince them to sentence me to death too." Yeji says. Hyunjin is still keeping a sharp eye on them, making sure they wouldn't escape. He wasn't listening in on their conversation.

"Yeji, don't." Ryujin tells her.

"Then what was your idea of escaping?" Yeji asked.

"Killing your brother." She mumbled loud enough for Yeji to hear, but low enough for Hyunjin not to hear.

"Ryujin, he's my brother!" Yeji yelled.

"Yes, but don't you want to live freely?" Ryujin asked.

"Hyunjin, please let us go or come with us." Yeji sobbed to guilt trip her brother.

"Silence! Don't talk unless you are given permission to!" Hyunjin demanded, tears were falling from his eyes. The police cars and sirens were headed here.

Backup had arrived and took Ryujin first, then Yeji.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." The cop said as they arrested both Yeji and Ryujin.

"Hyunjin, Ryujin, I love you." Yeji says before she was forced inside the back of the police car. Hyunjin cries.

He just watched his family get taken away from him, he has nobody. He would bail Yeji out if it wasn't a serious crime. But she took this to the next level.

He was sad. He lived depressed, the day after Yeji got arrested he overdosed on sleeping pills to get rid of his pain.

Meanwhile with Yeji and Ryujin, they were sentence to life in prison. They were put in different inmate housings. Yeji was in high-level security, Ryujin was placed in a administrative security center.

Meaning, they were not able to ever see each other again.

Yeji should've never tried to prove her father wrong.


There's no good ending.

Other endings: Unexpected ending, Evil ending

hope u enjoyed

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