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He'd didn't think he'd see her face at this crime scene.

"Yeji?" The cop asks, then looks at the other girl, "Shin Ryujin.."

"Hyunjin.." She felt that there was no way she could talk herself out of this situation.

And yes, she never thought she would've regretted killing her father. She and Ryujin raises their hands at the sight of him.

"Yeji.. You actually killed Dad!" Hyunjin says, shakily pointing the gun at Yeji. He was trembling at the sight of his dead father.

"I know, I'm sorry!" Yeji regretted.

"Are you really?" Hyunjin asked as he started tearing up.

"Hyunjin, I did all of this for you!" This situation Yeji was going through really gave Ryujin flashbacks. Ryujin almost tears up from this interaction.

"No, Yeji I don't want to hear it." Hyunjin says, "Both of you stay put, I will use my gun if I have to."

"Hyunjin, please.. Give me a chance!" Yeji cried.

"I can't." Hyunjin sobbed.

"Yeji, you should've had let me take care of your father.." Ryujin felt regretful for making her do such a thing.

"Ryujin, It's not your fault." Yeji sobbed as she tried to reassure her girlfriend..

"I might be sentenced to death, Yeji." Ryujin was panicking.

"Hyunjin please, come with us." Yeji says.

"I won't, I'll never be a criminal." Hyunjin spat.

"Yeji, if you want us to escape give me a nod. But, you might hate me for it." Ryujin turns her head to face Yeji.

Yeji nods.

Ryujin points her gun at Hyunjin. Yeji yelled before Ryujin could pull the trigger.

"Ryujin! No, don't do that!" Yeji shouted.

"Either you kill him or I do!" Ryujin yelled back.

"Lets just accept this fate.." Yeji sobbed, she couldn't lose her brother. She didn't even want to think about it.

"I'll be killed!" Ryujin shouted as she cried.

"Hyunjin. Let us go, I'm your sister!" Yeji turns to Hyunjin, trying to guilt themselves out of this situation.

"Sister or not, I can't, you're a criminal." Hyunjin answered. Yeji's mind was swirling all over.

Yeji pulls her gun out and points it at Hyunjin out of stress. Her brother's eyes widen from this action, his mouth quivered.

"Let us go or come with us, I don't want to do this." Yeji cried.

"Yeji. You're not actually going to pull the trigger on me, are you?" Hyunjin asked, tears were streaming down his face.

"You better give me an answer in 3 seconds before I do pull the trigger." Yeji says, they were running out of time, backup was already on their way.

"Go to hell." Was all Hyunjin said.

"I'm sorry, Hyunjin." She said before she pulled the trigger on him. She was paralyzed, she'd never thought that she would kill her family. The sounds of police cars and sirens were on their way but Yeji was unable to move.

"Let's go!" Ryujin yelled.

Hyunjin lied there, lifeless. Yeji couldn't believe it. Ryujin takes Yeji's shaking hand and runs away with her.

When they stopped hearing silence, they took this time to catch their breaths.

"Yeji, are you okay?" Ryujin asked.

"Ryujin, why?" Yeji was traumatized from her actions.


"I don't know what's gotten to me.." Yeji felt manipulated, she felt played. She didn't even know if she loved Ryujin anymore.

"Yeji, you were brave for doing this." Ryujin tries to console.

"I killed my brother to save my life!" Yeji shouted. Ryujin puts a hand over Yeji's mouth to shush her.

"You killed one person to save two lives, alright?" Ryujin whispered. Trying to puts ideas into her head. It didn't work.

"No! Don't say that, it won't work with me. I killed an innocent person to save two killers." Yeji sobbed.

"Yeji, we may be killers. But we still have each other."

Ryujin was right, all they had was each other. Even if Yeji liked it or not.. She already made the decision and cannot turn back time.


There's no good ending.

Other endings: Unexpected ending, Bad ending

hope you enjoyed

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