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"I'm already a sinner." Yeji says.

"How did I get this lucky?" Ryujin asked, "A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be even talking to someone like me."

"Ryujin stop saying these things about yourself." Yeji says, smiling at the compliment.

"I'm serious." Ryujin says.

"I'm serious too," Yeji says, "Ryujin, I don't even think I like you, I think I'm in love with you."

The shattered pieces that had fallen from failing her father has been fixed, just because of Ryujin's presence. Her dreams, mentality, and her life it has been repaired.

"I'm a criminal." Ryujin says, ashamed of herself.

"I probably wouldn't have fallen for you if you weren't, we probably wouldn't even know that we existed to each other." Yeji says.

Yeji was right, Yeji probably wouldn't have crossed Ryujin's path if Ryujin wasn't an attractive criminal. Ryujin wouldn't have crossed Yeji's path if she wasn't such a gorgeous cop.

"Yeji, do you really want to be committed with me?" Ryujin asked.

"Am I not already?" Yeji laughed. Her beautiful laugh was angelic to Ryujin's ears.

"I meant in a relationship." Ryujin says after clearing her throat.

"I do." Yeji smiled.

Another week later.
"Sir, we can't find your daughter. It's been a month." The search warrant says with a shaky voice.

"Fine, just leave." Her father says, giving up.

"Any luck?" Hyunjin asked.

"No. Yeji probably is dead." Her father says.

"I won't believe it, until they find her body." Hyunjin says.

"We can't keep hoping, we have to move on—" He gets cut off.

"Well I can't!" Hyujin yelled, cutting his dad's sentence off, "Dad, this is all your fucking fault! If you hadn't mistreated her, then she would've never been gone!"

"I know, I blame myself." His dad says.

"Fuck, you're already giving up on her! Are you really blaming yourself?" Hyunjin asked, "You're really fucking unbelievable, I hate you."

Tears starts forming in his father's eyes.

"You don't mean it.." His father cried.

"I hate you with all of my guts. Don't ever talk to me, I'm ashamed of even being related to you." Hyunjin says while leaving his sobbing father.

Hyunjin walks to the boba shop that Yeji and him celebrated at, when she passed the test. He wipes the tears from his eyes and enters the shop. He ordered the drink Yeji got.

I should've been a better brother. All she wanted was for someone to believe in her, but no, I couldn't do it. Hyunjin thought as tears streamed down his face.

He leaves the store with the drink and sits down on the nearest bench.

"She's only missing, there's no way she's dead." He said to himself.

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