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Today was Day 7, she had until 12AM to finish the case on Shin Ryujin. It was already 10PM, meaning she only had 2 hours to find this criminal.

The past few days have been stressing Yeji out because the past couple of days, she had no traces of Ryujin. She didn't even see evidences that Ryujin could've left behind.

This criminal was sly and this cop was just a dumb rookie.
(zootopia ref)

Yeji should have listened to her father, she should've just became a doctor or a lawyer. She spent all her life training to become a cop to prove her father wrong. Only to prove nothing.

She knows that men and women are equal. But she, herself wasn't able to prove it to her stereotypical father. She just hoped that one day, a woman would prove men that they are just as good as them.

She didn't even bother looking for Ryujin in the last hour she had. She had given up. Her dreams, her mentality, and her life was crushed into small little pieces. She doesn't even think that those pieces could be put back together.

"Yeji, it's already 11PM." Her father smiled. Yeji hated his prideful grin, she hated how he smiled and embarrassed her. Oh, how she wished someone could humble him.

"Just take my goddamn badge!" Yeji yelled, throwing her uniform and badge at him.

"Don't give me that attitude, you still live under my roof!" Her father shouted as he carried the items that were just thrown.

"Get out of my room!" Yeji yelled, her father didn't even need for her to shout it the second time. He didn't feel like dealing with this attitude.

"So ungrateful." He commented before slamming the door.

Hyunjin watched as their father shut the door on Yeji. He walks up to Yeji's bedroom door and reaches for the doorknob.

He lets go of the handle and sighs. He knew he shouldn't mess with Yeji when she was in a bad mood, he backs away from the door and heads to his own room.

I'll console her when she starts feeling better. Hyunjin thought, he hoped that his sister felt better by tomorrow.

Yeji needed to clear her head, she needed to relieve her stress that has been built up. She leaves the house and drives to the park. The park she'd used to go to when she was a kid.

She sat on the swing and stared at the stars. The beautiful view and the fresh midnight air had calmed her down.

"Guess who" She jumped from the sudden voice. Her heart and soul almost gave out.

She turns around to find Ryujin with a hood on, her face wasn't covered by a mask. Yeji sees Ryujin's smiley face.

"You're not afraid of being arrested right now?" Yeji asked. This question made Ryujin laugh.

"You can't arrest me." Ryujin smiled, "you already gave your uniform and badge."

"So where have you been this entire time, when I was trying to find you?" Yeji defeatedly sighed, she could have been calling the cops on her by now. But for some reason, she didn't.

"Watching you struggle to find me." Ryujin snickered.

"Wow." Yeji scoffed, "Was it fun?"

I must be out of my mind, talking to a murderer like I'm good friends with them. Yeji thought.

"It really was," Ryujin chuckled, "So the time has come, what are you going to do now?"

"Work at Starbucks." Yeji joked.

"Are you serious?" Ryujin laughed as she sat down on the swings next to her.

"No, my efforts into becoming a police are wasted," Yeji said as she stared at the night sky.

"It doesn't have to be." Ryujin said as she swung, "You still have the option to join me."

"I'd rather kill myself than become some criminal." Yeji says.

"Well, ouch.. If you ever change your mind," Ryujin pouted as she empathized the word, 'ouch', "Just come to the park, I'll be waiting everyday for you."

A criminal has hope in me, something Dad never had for me. Yeji was amused.

"You have hope?" Yeji asked.

"Yeah, I have nothing much better to do anyway." Ryujin shrugged.

"How do you feel?" Ryujin asks after a long moment of silence.

"I feel like dying." Yeji replied, then looks at Ryujin. Ryujin gave a stare, a stare asking for Yeji to be real.

"Okay fine. Realistically, I feel like shit, my dreams of humbling my father were crushed." Yeji ranted.

"Are you still planning on trying to humble him?"

"Not after failing him, like this." Yeji answered.

"I feel sorry for you." Ryujin says, for some reason Ryujin felt a little guilty for messing with Yeji like this.

"Then you should've let me arrest you." Yeji rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to give up my freedom for you to prove one person wrong." Ryujin laughed. This sentence snapped something in Yeji's brain.

Oh shit. She's right, why am I doing all of this just to humble one person? Yeji thought.

"Why have I not thought of this?" Yeji randomly said.

"What?" Ryujin laughed out.

"I did all of this just to prove my dad wrong. Why did I do that?" Yeji said as she laughed. Being a cop wasn't even her dream job, she only dreamt to humble her dad. Ryujin sincerely smiled.

"Finally, your senses came to you." Ryujin said as she stood up from the swing.

"Wow." Yeji said after she stopped laughing.

"Anyways, I'll get going now." Ryujin says.

"Where are you going?" Yeji asked.

Yeji really didn't want Ryujin to leave.

"I'm not telling." She smiled, holding a finger to her mouth like she was shushing Yeji.

"Remember, I'll be back at the park tomorrow, if you're interested in joining me." She said as she left.

I wonder how Ryujin makes a living.. Yeji thought.

Yeji continued to swing for a little while before heading back home. Yeji smiled, the talk with Ryujin made her feel better.

Out of everyone in this entire world, I can't believe a criminal has me smiling. Yeji thought as she was driving back to her house.

a/n: sadly yeji didn't arrest ryujin in time. but at least she had a good conversation with her.

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