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"Shh, Yeji it's okay." Ryujin hugs her tightly, trying to comfort her the best she possibly could. Yeji wiped her tears on Ryujin's hoodie.

"I need to talk to him.." Yeji sniffled.

"Okay, go talk to him." Ryujin says.

"You won't leave me, will you?" Yeji lets out.

"I won't, I love you too much." Ryujin says, "I'll be in the room, let me know how your conversation goes."

Yeji nodded before giving her girlfriend a kiss, she runs to catch up with her brother. Hyunjin turns his back around due to the runner behind him.

"Hyunjin!" She called out.

"Yeji? So it really was you?" Hyunjin pulls Yeji into a hug after reuniting after 3 months of her disappearance.

"Yes, it's me." Yeji confirmed. Rubbing her brother's back before pulling away from the hug.

"Where've you been? Things haven't been the same without you.." Hyunjin asked.

"I can't say," Yeji says.

"What happened to you?" Yeji wondered about the scars on his face.

"Oh, Dad started drinking.." This caused Yeji to frown.

'Your eye bags are very visible.." Yeji said.

"I haven't been able to sleep because of Dad." Hyunjin said.

"What did Dad do?"

"He beat me.." He says, "That's why I've got scars."

"I'll kill him." Yeji let out, without thinking. This caused Hyunjin to raise an eyebrow.

"Yeji, what?"

"What's gotten into you?" He asked.

I've been near Ryujin for too long.

"Forget about it." Yeji says.

"Why are you wishing for him to die?" Hyunjin asked.

"He did this to you." She says, softly touching the scars.

"But that doesn't give you the right to wish that sort of thing, he's still our dad." He says as he pulls away from her hands.

"You're right, I'm sorry for even thinking that." Yeji says.

"Where are you off to?" Yeji asked, seeing that he was walking out of the building.

"Work." He answered.

"At dad's department?"

"No. I closed it down." Hyunjin said.

"Oh. I see." Yeji says.

"What are you doing in this building? Do you live here?" Hyunjin asks.

"No. I'm just looking around." Yeji lied.

"What about that person you were walking with?" He questioned.

"It's a friend I recently met." Yeji lies again.

"Why didn't you come home?" Hyunjin interrogated.

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