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The next day, she is sitting on the floor while she packs up her stuff and puts them in a backpack. She looks up after hearing a knock on her door. She gets up from the floor and walks to the door.

"Hi, Hyunjin." She says as she opened the door, seeing her brother's appearance.

She looks.. a lot happier than I thought she'd look. Her brother thought.

"Hey, Yeji.. How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm okay." Yeji responded as she sat on her bed. Hyunjin looks around her room and sees a backpack full of stuffed clothes lying on the floor.

"That's surprising..." Her brother grew suspicious.

"Yeah, I'm surprised too."

"So what do you got there?" Hyunjin asked looking towards the backpack.

"Oh that, don't worry about it." Yeji smiled. Hyunjin tilted his head in confusion.

"You're moving out? How do you even have the money for it?" He questioned.

"I'm just going to stay at a friend's house." Yeji lied, but of course her lie was seen through.

"You don't have any friends.." Her brother shamelessly says, catching onto the lie.

"That's rude.." Yeji jokingly pouted.

"My bad.." Hyunjin laughed holding up his arms like he was surrendering.

"So what's up with the backpack?" Hyunjin asked again.

"I'm just going to get away from home for a bit." Yeji says.

"But where will you stay?"

"At a cheap hotel with my savings." She says.

"Oh, that's gross." He makes a grossed-out face, "I hope the roaches won't crawl in your mouth while you're snoring."

"Hyunjin." Yeji said with a stern voice. Then they both laugh.

"It was nice talking to you like this again." Hyunjin says as he checked the time.

"My shift is starting soon," He says, "Stay safe, Yeji."

He walks off.

I can't believe that I'm actually going to do this. She thought before leaving the house with her backpack full of stuffed clothes.

She decides to walk to the park.

When she arrived, she saw a figure in a hoodie leaning against the tree. She walks up to the hooded figure, hoping that it was Ryujin.

"I thought you would rather kill yourself than become a criminal." The hooded figure said.

Yep, that's her.

"I might." Yeji joked.

"What do you have in your backpack?" Ryujin asked.

"Clothes," Yeji says as she removed the backpack off of herself, "You can check if you don't believe me."

"You know what, I'll take the risk." Ryujin says, "I'll believe you."

Now, why did Yeji's heart skip a beat when Ryujin said that? I mean, all she said was that she believed in her.

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