Chapter 51

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Chris's POV :

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Chris's POV :

In the third second, I could hear loud claps and applause all around me.

I looked around without understanding for what they are clapping.

The eyes of those around me are fixed on me. Alexander sir stood up and clapped his hands.

Did I do such a big deal?

So much encouragement for just looking at the camera and acting for thirty seconds?

Alexander sir put down the microphone and walked towards me. I watched the people around me clapping for my performance until my heart was full.

Mr. Gilbert gave me a hug. After that came Mr. Lun.
"Thank you so much sir." I said from the bottom of my heart.

He lightly patted my back and said "Hey.. why are you crying for this? Shouldn't you be happy?"

I'm crying?  When Mr. Gilbert said that, I realized that my eyes were filled with tears of joy.

I wiped my tears which came without my permission.

"You are perfect from every angle of the camera." Mr. Lun praised me.

"Thank you sir." I thanked him in a hoarse voice.
The euphoria around me slowly died down.


Later that evening I finished advertising another product.

By 7 pm I was exhausted and sweating profusely. After the shoot, we came back to the hotel and I took a hot shower.

After taking the medicine to be taken before meals, I picked up the phone and dialed Rishma's number.

Ding dong!

I turned my head towards the door side, who is coming at this time?
I cut the call before letting it ring on the other end.

Curious as to know who it is, I hurriedly opened the door.

Mr. Gilbert stands with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "Chris if you freshen up let's go get dinner." He said.

"Sure" I turned off the light in the room right by the door side and locked the door from behind.

Slipped my phone inside my pocket and stepped with him.

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