Chapter 17: Sharing Pasts

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I am currently in my cabin packing up so I can be prepared for when me and the others can be sent back to our universe. I finish packing and I start thinking.
I don't even know anything about the Seductive Rose's past.
"Hey, Seductive Rose?" I call to my sword as I look at where it is on my bed.

Yes, Bryan? What do you need?

"Well I was wondering if I can know more about your past? Especially the part involving why Hera is a part of it." I mention curiously and I go back to packing.

Of course. Only if you share yours as well.

"Alright. I'll go first. I grew up in a regular house with my mom and dad and I'm an only child. I grew up pretty normal except for the way my parents treated me and then I went to college to learn about business. I met a guy named Jon who is currently one of my best friends and the current CEO of Fazbear Entertainment. After I graduated college I ended up with getting my current job as manager of my pizzeria so I can prove to my parents that I wasn't a failure." I tell SR as I then finish packing. I walk to my sword and sit next to it.

Your parents really sound like they don't really care about you.

I nod in agreement. I feel violent anger rise in me at that thought.
"What about your past, SR?" I asked so I can distract myself from my anger.

Well I used to be human years before I became your sword. I actually had a older brother who was an idiot but I still loved him. He gave up going to the military for me. We were that close. After that we fled from home and started stealing so we could become rich since the both of us wanted to be kings and we planned to eventually get to that point. We made a friend or two and then came the day I found out my brother was badly sick. He was so sick he was already dying. I went to get help and when I thought my brother was gone for good, that was when I met Hera. I made a deal with her to save my brother and here we are now!

I feel so sorry for SR. I picked up SR and placed it on my lap. I start tracing the detailing again.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. If you don't mind me asking, what was your brother's name?" I asked SR curiously. I hear SR laugh a bit.

His name was Xiphos. I have no idea where he is now.

I get an idea when Seductive Rose says that.
"Maybe we can look for him while searching for more power?" I offered with a grin.
I feel SR becoming excited.

Let's do it. Now how about I give you a power boost?

I feel excited myself.
"Yes. Please give me more power!" I begged SR.
I then feel an exhilarating feeling rush through me. I gasp as it travels through me. I instantly feel a addicting feeling of being powerful. I already crave more of that feeling and I don't want it to stop. I softly chuckle.

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