Chapter 18: Our Plans Are None Of Your Business

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Should I have Fnaf 6/7 Jon get trapped in the same lamp Jyles was in before he got released by Freddy?
I was also wondering if you guys would like to see me make a Fairy Tail Origins Season 5 and Origins of Olympus crossover fanfic in the future? One last thing, should I add Fairytail Origins (Season 5) to this crossover?

I am with SR outside sitting under a tree and I'm holding a handheld mirror just looking at my reflection. I look at the side of my face which is the blackish purple. I place the mirror down and lean my head against the tree and close my eyes.
After a bit I hear leaves rustling.

Someone is coming, Bryan.

I open my eyes and in front of me I see Mario. I feel annoyance and a deep hatred rise up inside of me. I just give him a grin.
"Ooooh! Mario! What do I owe the pleasure to?" I say with a dark look on my face.
"You really have changed from when we first met, Bryan." Mario explains seriously but with a worried tone. I chuckle darkly.
"How so, Mario?" I asked him curiously. Mario looks towards my sword and I see his face shift to that of a suspicious look before he looks back at me.
"Well you are no longer being kind. You are acting more cruel, violent, power hungry and you are shoving your best friends away. From what Freddy and Foxy told me, you only started acting like this after you got the Seductive Rose." He explains sternly. I feel my grin fade and it turns into a rage filled frown.
"My amazing sword is doing nothing to me! Those stupid animatronics should keep their noses out of my business!" I spat at Mario angrily. I grab the handle of the Seductive Rose out of instinct.
"I think it is doing something to you though, Bryan! I can feel the dark and evil aura coming from that thing. It's messing with your head and is clearly controlling you. One sign is that you seem to worship it like it's a god!" Mario argues with me.
I feel my anger grow even more.
"SR has done nothing but help me achieve more power for our plans." I explained to him. I stand up with SR still in my hand.
"What are those plans?" Mario asks me confused.
I laugh maniacally. Mario backs up shocked.
"Our plans are none of your business." I explained to Mario with my eyes filled with my hatred for him as I started walking away from him towards my cabin to grab my bags so I can head to the area where Xylo told me earlier to go to.

Mario's POV:

As soon as Bryan started laughing maniacally, I notice his eyes flash this bright green glow (imagine SR's eye color of course) for a second before going back to the regular color it was minus his left eye which was still reddish in color. I back up in shock.
"Our plans are none of your business." Bryan says to me as he starts to walk away from me towards his cabin. I am still in shock from what I saw what happened with his eyes. I could feel this extremely strong and deep hatred coming from the way he was looking at me.
His sword though. The evil aura I could feel from it was so strong. Almost to that of a god. An evil one at that. I have a bad feeling about this and what the plans Bryan mentioned that him and his sword had. Wait... Bryan was talking about the Seductive Rose as if it was alive... Oh my gods.. the Seductive Rose is alive and must be possessing Bryan.
"I better head back to the others and explain what just happened!" I say to myself before rushing back towards camp to go and find the others.

What do you guys think of this chapter? I couldn't sleep and because of the wind I'm in my living room and I'm uncomfortable so I decided to finally work on Chapter 18!

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