Chapter 29: The Shadow Godslayer

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After Nix and SR finished making the deal with Abraham, I ended up heading into Atlantide just to look around due to curiosity. Maybe I'll find some trouble too.
While walking around the streets, someone runs into me. I almost fall to the ground.
I growl in anger.
"Watch where you are going!" I sneer at the person. The person looks apologetic.
"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where was running." The person says as he dusts himself off. I can feel darkness energy coming from him.
He should be sorry. His energy is interesting though..
"Hey, you are one of the people who came from another universe right?" The guy asks me. I nod confirming what he asked.
"I'm Bryan." I introduce myself and I went to rest my left hand on the handle of SR when I notice it was no longer sheathed. I look on the ground and see it lying there. I kneel down, pick it up and sheathe it again just to rest my left hand on the handle as planned.
"I'm Michael. I'm the former guild leader of Grimshade." He introduces himself. He holds his hand out to me. I hesitantly shake his hand.
I pull my hand back quickly.
I notice him looking down to SR.
"That is a nice sword you have there." Michael compliments. I smile with a smug brightness.
"Thank you. This is the Seductive Rose. My pride and beauty." I chuckle a bit. My hand tightens around the hand in excitement due to hearing the compliment.
"You do know that your sword is controlling you right, Bryan?" He asks me with a worried look in his eyes. I smile fades into an angry scowl.
"No it's not!" I snap at him.
"Yes it is. I know the look in your eyes, Bryan. I've seen in before in a friend of mine who is pretty much my brother. You're struggling to fight what is controlling you but from what I can see, you can't escape." Michael continues on. I feel a violent rage appear inside of me.
"Seductive Rose, you can show yourself now since I know." He finishes with a knowing smirk.
I close my eyes and i black out.

(Controlling Bryan's Body) Seductive Rose's POV:

I open my eyes to look at Michael and I let out a loud evil cackle.
"You must be the Seductive Rose, judging on the complete change in eye color." Michael guesses with that smirk still on his face.
"You are correct. How did you know I'm possessing Bryan?" I asked curiously with a sinister grin on my face.
"I can feel your magic and how dark it is. Also a friend of mine from my guild had his body taken over last year." He explains.
"Your magic is also dark from what I'm feeling from you. What sort of mage are you?" I asked curiously. Maybe I could use it to my advantage in the future.
"I'm a shadow godslayer." Michael tells me and he crosses his arms.
Godslayer? Does that mean he can kill gods?
"It was nice to meet you, Michael, but me and my lovely host have plans." I explain to him. I flash him an evil grin and I walk away.
That conversation was certainly fun.
I head back to the Protectors Guild and head into Bryan's place.
I then let Bryan back out and making sure he still is under my control.

Bryan's POV:

I open my eyes and I notice I'm back in my room. What happened? Probably Seductive Rose. I grab my sword and place it on my table. I grab the book that was on my bed and I look at the title and grin with mischievous intent. I chuckle mischievously.

"All About Slayer Magic"

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