When u lose you die

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He says I need your help. I say then why punch me! He says had to get you for killing me. I say how are you back anyway? He says there are cures you know. I looks at him and say why do you need our help? He looks at the floor then back at me: he says Bryan.. I'm sure you know him.. He has something of mine.... I need it back... I say why? He says it will help me. I pull out a arrow and put it to his head. I say why should I not put this through your head! He says in front of the kid? I look at him and say does it look like I care?! He says you want Bryan dead correct? I say ya and you too what's the difference? He looks at me and says you win some and you loose some. I look unconvinced and I say ok you can help. Then I don't care what happens to you... You die. He looks and says ok. He says good luck trying. I look at him and I say how do we get out now it's all these zombies? He says follow me.

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