Back way

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Kye says now that we are all up to date les go out the back way. We run to the back of the building and he opens the door. We all go out and I see Bryan standing right there and he shoots at us. It misses me joy and Kye. Natalie is shot right in the middle of the head. She falls to the ground. I scream no! Damn you! I pull out my bow and I shoot a arrow in his arm. He drops his gun and he runs into the tall bobby trapped building. Once Bryan is gone I run to Natalie and I cry over her body. Kye says we have nothing to bring her back now man. I'm sorry. I get up and I looks at him. I say lets kill that bastard once and for all. Kye look at me with a surprised look and says agreed. I take joy into the little building and hand her a gin and I show her how to use it and she gets it. So I tell her to hide till we get back. She says ok and me and Kye get to the door of the other side of the building I say are you ready? He says yes I am! Then we run into the building.

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