In the building

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We walk in through that back way and I look at kye he runs through the place and goes through every obstacle. We then get to the elevator. I say are you ready for this? He says ya and we climb the bars. I grab the last bar and we jump onto the 3ed floor. I pull kye up and then we walk to the stairs only to find out they are collapsed. We then go the other way I had lost the map do I have no idea what was in store for us. We get to the end of the hall and there is this brass door. It was huge. Me and kye forcefully open it and we run in. I see it's a huge control looking room. I see that steam is coming out of some of the bars. I say that's unfortunate and we see a door. Kye runs ahead. I see a trip wire and I yell no! He trips and a big door opens and it crushes his leg in a grate. I see him getting pulled in and I grab his hand.

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