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We walk into his lab and I see he is working on a lot of things I say so Arci? Have you done any cloning yet? He says yes I have why? I say there's someone I want to bring back. She's very important to me. He says I know who you mean and I'm working on it. I shed a tear of joy. I say really! He says yes. Andy says how long? He says one day. I look and Andy says we can go on a mission. I say in a sweep for survivors? He says yes. I say lets go! We get into the helicopter Andy tomodashi some girl I hears name is Alice and a guy named chuck. Andy flys the copter and then after a long bit of flying we land. We all jump out and I say what is this place? Alice says were in Russia. I look around and I say ok. We run around a bit and look but nothing. I kill a few zombies then still nothing. We walk to this little house and we find a guy that's big and has a huge beard. We tell him what we are trying to do and he says "i grew up in this house I'll die in this house". We respect his wishes and we leave.

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