Debris 2

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I walk for a second and I see some zombies though out the debris. I run and Stab a few. Zombies with my arrows. I'm a few yards in and I see a lot more zombies I just can't handle. I run but trip and cut my arm and my head starts to hurt from the cut I had. I say fuck! I get up and I start running again. I looks at the cut on my lower arm. I say it's not bad. I forget about it and I keep running. I get half way and I slow down. Something comes out of the debris its Bryan as a zombie. I kick but it's too late. He bites me on leg. I kick his head into the brick laying there. I yell again fuck! I see zombies getting closer so I hop a little away and I get 3/4 the way there. I see I'm bleeding a lot. I look at the building and then at the zombies and I see there a bit always from me. I run as fast as I can with my leg bit and I get to the building. I run in. I yell joy! Joy! No answer. I see her in the corner. I see the gun on the ground. I say joy? She turns around and she is a zombie. She charges and I stab her in the head. I sit on a ledge and I say human race is dead. No one is left. I'm dead...I look at my bite then I hear something. I say what the? I walk outside. I feel blood leaving my body. I see a helicopter in the sky. I wave up but blood loses in my brain and I get knocked out.

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