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I get to my door. I walk in and I had forgotten about the Natalie situation. I go the the living room. I rub my eyes before I go in because I was tired. I go to grab the picture I knew was on the counter. But it's someone's leg instead. I open my eyes and I see the person in the picture holding the picture smiling. I am so surprised. I just hug her then she hugs back. She says finally found that salvation. I laugh and say ya and the one that talked about it all the time. He's here. She looks at me and she says ya but that's not a bad thing. I look at her and I say no it's not. I look at her and she looks at me. She says I missed you. I saw the helicopter and knew you were in it. I was scared. I would lose you. I say you won't lose me ever again. She looks into my eyes and I into hers. And I just remember that spark that I never had. But somehow I remember it even tho I have never had it. She just leans in and kisses me for about 5 seconds and she blushs like crazy. I was surprised but I kept my cool. I sat on the couch then she sat in my lap and laid her head on my chest. She says what now? We're safe? I say we figure it out together....and we enjoy every moment of it. She smiles then we just drift off and we both fall asleep.

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