If i could crash it...

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We sleep that night in the helicopter then we walked around in the morning after that We walk back to the helicopter. We start to fly back. We all sit in the back of the helicopter. Chuck says something to Andy. Andy nods then the helicopter shakes. I say what's that? Andy yells nothing! I go the the drivers pit and I see the controls were acting very weird. He says I'm gonna push it! I can see the walls. I say what if it blows us through the wall the zombies will get in! He says ain't now cringe getting in! I look as we fly there. The copter is just there when it hits the side nothing happens and we start to fall to the zombies but we stop when the cable to the propellers Hun on the wall and stopes us about 70 ft up in the air. Chuck had fell out the window and I couldn't see him among all the zombies that were eating him now. I look and I see Andy climbing the wire along with everyone else. I look and then I run to the wire. I see Alice in front of me. Then at the lead there's Andy. I see then that the line was snapping. We crawl up faster and we make it up. Then the line cuts and the zombies below stain the whole part of the wall red. I say damn then I look at Andy. He is freaking out. We run down and everyone is panicking. Andy says he will deal with it for me to just go home. So I start walking.

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