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I wake up and Natalie is still on my chest. I smile and just lay there. I hear someone in the other room I know by the voice is Andy. He says no pizza what is this! I've been here forever and there always pizza! I shake my head and slightly move Natalie and put her on the couch. I run and say shut up man your gonna wake her. He says your girl bruh? I say yes snow shh... He looks at me with a glare and says you get me pizza you have a deal. I say it's in the upstairs fridge. He gasps and runs upstairs. I chuckle and I walk back to Natalie. I see her in the couch and then I sit next to her. She wakes up a second later and she lays on my shoulder. She says morning. I say morning. We both smile then she says I'm gonna go see town today so you stay out of trouble till I get back. I say I will. She smiles and we lay like that till she leaves to looks at the town. I sigh and walk upstairs and see Andy eating the pizza. I say so what did they do to you? He says well I'm no longer on the team for rescuing people. I say well that's bad. He says ya now that you have your friend I can go move back to my house... But I'm taken the pizza. He walks out the house and I laugh. Natalie comes home later and finds me. He hug and then around 8:00 we were tired and we decide to sleep. We get in the bed together and we talk. She says how long do you think the safety will last? I say it will last. And if it doesn't. We will have each other. She smiles and lays on my shoulder. We both fall asleep.

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