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I wake up. I look at the mantel and I see that a axe is missing. I glare and then I hear shuffles in the kitchen. I get up. I grab the other axe and then I walk slowly to the kitchen. I hear the words damn nothing to eat. I say who are you?! I weald the axe. He says oh your awake. I don't see him because the fridge door is in the way. He says I thought you would have remembered me. That's sad. I say who is this. He looks up and I see its Andy. I am shocked. I say I thought you died! He says nope. I see he has a uniform that I remember all the people in the helicopter and tomodashi wearing. I say are you a general or something? He says no I just go and look for people to rescue. They said you need me to like.... Cope or something I don't know. I say I'm glad your hear. But how. He says well he was so distracted in trying to kill you he and apparently you didn't notice I was grazed. Half my ear lobe gone. I look and it is. I say damn. He says short after that I opened part of the door on the other side hid and the zombies came for you. I look at him and I say that's how the zombies got there. He says Ya. I say how are you here. He says short after these guys found me on when I was on a supply run. I say I'm glad your here. He smiles and says I'm glad I'm here too. I look at him and I say there's no food in the fridge. He laughs and says hell no. I laughs and we walk outside.

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