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We are outside. He says hay you want a tour of this place? I say well if you wanna give me it? He walks around and shows the market place and the farmers markets and the plants and crops then the local police station and he shows all the things you need in a community. I talk to a few people. We eat at pazizas pizzeria when we are done we walk all the way across the place to a guns place. He shows how they build them every day and he hands me a gun. He says use it conservatively. He looks at me and I say ok. We then walk to the wall. It was a 100 to 150 foot wall. He talked about how it took them a year to make it but it was worth it. I look at the wall then we get to the top walk way. I see people with guns shooting zombies below. I notice they are more viscus than before. I see that one runs up the wall but they shoot it before it can get up. I say damn. Andy looks at me and says I know. I say we should talk to Archibald. He says lets go he's head scientist now. I walk with him till we get there and I see the door and he buzzes us in.

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