Birth/ child years

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October 10th

When Minato thought about what his two sons birth would be like, this is definitely not what he imagined or planned on happening. Currently his village is in chaos, The nine-tails was extracted from his wife and tried to lay waste to his home. Thankfully, he was able to transport himself and the beast miles away from peoples home without too much of the hidden leaf being destroyed. Though, a good bit was damaged, Minato was not thinking about that right now. He was thinking about how he is about to make his two sons orphans and his older son a jinchuriki.

+Minato: "I'm sorry. I have no other choice, Naruto."

Naruto was the older one of the twins, by about 5 minutes. Naruto had red hair. His hair was as red as a tomato, and 3 whisker like marks on each side of his cheek. Minato decided to make Naruto the host of the tailed beast because he believe his Uzumaki genes were stronger than his brother since he had the red hair of the Uzumaki. Now, Minato was running out of time, he and his wife, Kushina were on the brink of death. Both, he and her were stabbed by the beast claw, protecting their son. Naruto, who was laying on some altar, while his brother was on a blanket beside him. Kushina had just finished telling her two boys some things every mother tells her children. Now it was Minatos turn. 

+ Minato: "Mine is the same as your talkative mother. And boys, please care of each other . . "

With that, the 4th Hokage, Leader of the Village hidden in the Leaves had died... 

8 Years Later . . .

A young 8 year boy is seen walking the streets of the village. His pace is slow, his clothes have dirt and mud all over them. Not only that, but he looks as if he has been attacked by some wild animal. But no, he was not attacked by an animal. At least not an actual animal.

"Stupid Naruto and his dumb pranks!" Exclaimed the blond hair boy. "I just wanted to read in peace!"  But his ramblings were brought to a hold when he reached his destination. The Hokage's office. The 8 year old was visiting his grandfather figure and hoping his grandfather would accept his request. As the boy made his way, he gave the Hokage's assistant a look and she let him through to see the old man.

"Hello Grandpa Hokage!" the boy greated the old man. The old man smiled and said "hello Raikou, what is your reason for visiting at this hour?" The now named Raikou just smiled and said "well I was thinking and wondering if you could get someone to train me in taijutsu"? The aged Hokage didn't answer, he just looked at the boy. After 30 seconds of looking at the boy, the man finally answered " Now son, why do you need someone training you when you got the academy to teach you"? The boy didn't even need to think to answer the question, "Because gramps, I wanna learn my fathers style of course." The old man just chucked, ever since he him and Naruto about their parents two years ago, Raikou wanted to be just like his father. It brought a smile to Sarutobi's face. The boy was a spitting image of his father, only difference was Raikou eye color. His eyes were a lighter blue compared to his father. "Fine" said the Hokage. "I will have some one meet you at your house tomorrow morning to start your training." Raikou just smiled real big and hugged his grandfather, he knew the old man had a soft spot for him and his brother. He ran out the door yelling his thanks. 

Naruto was sitting on his bed, smiling like a mad man. He just pulled off some of his best pranks. He was waiting for his brother so they could have dinner and go to sleep. Naruto knew where his brother was off to, they were always together unless Naruto was pranking people. While his brother was super smart and top of the class, so while Naruto would prank some of the village, his brother was either studying or training. Though Naruto was not as smart as his brother, it didn't mean he was stupid. Although he was towards the bottom of the class. Only cause he didn't apply himself like his brother. He believed the academy was dumb. Half the stuff he didn't need, he figured he just needed the basic stuff then his jonin instructor would do the rest. But he was broken out of his thought when his brother walked in the door.

"Hey Rai! how was your talk with gramps?" Naruto asked his brother. Raikou waved then answered "it went as expected, I'll begin training with someone tomorrow. Would you like to join me?" The red haired boy had a thinking face then said " no thanks Rai, I've got pranks to pull tomorrow" Raikou frowned at his brother. He knows he pulls his pranks on people who usually are trying to bully his older brother. You see about half the people of the leaf village hates Naruto. They believe he is the nine tailed fox, but the other half of the village, trust the 4th Hokage and treat him as the hero he is. Raikou just looked at his brother then just decide to not talk about and head to bed.

Next morning. . .

Raikou woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door. He then got up to get dress then to answer the door. But when he got to the door, there was only a note telling him where to go. So, he got his things and headed out. Raikou enjoyed the early morning run to the training ground. Finally he made it to his training ground. There he saw his favorite person holding an orange book. "Hello Kashi! I'm guessing you are training me?" the blond asked. After 20 seconds of not answering, the silver hair ninja said "Huh, you say something yellow?" Raikou just let out a loud grunt " I'm not guy Baka sensei" The silver haired ninja just smiled behind his mask.     "Alright Alright, here is the plan, your fathers style was about speed, so we need to make you way faster, so the next four years that is what we will be doing, any questions?" Raikou simply just shook his head so the begin to work on his speed and flexibility. The first 6 months, all Raikou did was run with weights for 4 hours, each time trying to beat yesterdays time and distance. The next 6 months he would practice the offensive moves for his fathers style,  obviously he couldn't do them all yet, he would do the ones he could do now. After that, he spent a year on the defensive side of the style. This was harder for Raikou to pick up because his father style was mostly offense, so the defense was hard to learn. The next year they added weapons to the mix, from kunai to short sword to a katana just incase later he might want to add weapon. The final year, they focused on how he could mix ninjutsu in with it since he wanted to be a ninjutsu specialist, they also improved his hand sign speed and tested his affinities. Which were water and lightning.

TimeSkip (4 years- age 12-13)

Raikou POV

Raikou was walking towards the ninja academy. The time had finally come, Raikou and Naruto had graduated from the ninja academy. Even if Naruto only passed because he got tricked and stole the scroll. But hey he learned a new jutsu and taught it to me. I finished as the rookie of the year but I wasn't paying attention to what girl won rookie of the year. So I had no idea what team I would be placed into. I was broken out of my thoughts cause I make it to the academy. I went and took a seat in the back next to Hinata. She is my best friend and she has a huge crush on Naruto. I'm trying to get her confidence up so she will talk to him more. it's slowly working but Naruto is too dense sometimes. Finally everyone makes it to their seats and we are waiting for Iruka. Though Naruto did manage to piss off most girls by kissing Sausgay. I'll never let him live that down.

Iruka started listing of teams, I really wasn't listening that well. Naruto was put with Sausgay and Sakura. I was jealous because he did get Baka sensei as his sensei. Hopefully that pervert of a sensei will still teach me every now and then. Team 8 was now being listed off, it would have 4 members since we have one extra. Hinata was on that team with Kiba, Shino, and Choji. I guess that means Im with Ino and pineapple head. That's not a bad team. I just don't know who our Jonin sensei is, I guess we will meet them after lunch . . .


I have     who I want Raikou to end up with but if y'all want to you can vote between these

Yugito Nii (She will be 15 in this)


Mei Terumi ( She will be younger too)



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