First C Rank

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For the next month, all Team Ten was train and go on D ranked missions. But today was different, Asuma believed the team was ready for their first C rank mission. So, Team Ten was currently standing in front of the Hokage.

Raikou POV

"So, Asuma you believe that your team is fit for a C rank?" The old man says, while I just smile as it is about time we go on a serious mission. Asuma Sensei just nods at the old man. "Right now, I have 3 C rank missions, I'll let you pick. First is just a simple escort mission for a bridge builder. Next, is a bandit camp needs eliminated. Lastly, is to deliver this scroll." Asuma thinks for a couple seconds then says "We will take the bandit camp." The third just nods and hands the bearded man the missions details. Then, team ten walks out of the room. "Alright, you three pack for a two week trip and remember to bring everything you might need, it is better to over bring things then to need it and not have it. Then meet at the gate in one hour."

After I grabbed my stuff and told Naruto bye, I was headed for the gate. It had been about 45 minutes since Asuma Sensei told us to meet him at the gate. As I land near the gate, I noticed that I'm the last one to arrive. When I land, Sensei speaks up, "Now that everyone is here, we will go over the mission." The mission wasn't to difficult to understand. We had to eliminate 10 bandits and one rogue ninja from the land of grass. The rogue ninja wasn't a big threat, he was wanted for running away after he killed his genin teammate. We decided to make the plan once we arrive near the bandit camp. So, we all jump in trees and left. Ino being the slowest ninja, she was in the front of the group, while Raikou was on the left and Shikamaru was on the right. Asuma was in the back. After about 4 hours of traveling Northwest, Team ten came to a stop. The bandit camp was about a mile away, so they wanted to make their plan.

The bandit camp was quiet. Only the sound of fish being cook over a fire was heard. Ten bandits were sitting around said fire. The bandits ages ranged from 16 to 21. Not many from the small group of bandits were great fighters. They didn't like to fight hand to hand. Their method of fighting was swords and decent teamwork. This group of bandits have been living together off the lands for 5 years. Also they weren't much for small talk, so the group was sitting quiet until two of their buddies got taken out by a weird looking water tiger. "We are under attack" one bandit started screaming. The group then noticed three kids come out of no where.

Raikou had used a water jutsu to knock out two of the bandits. His attack was successful in two ways, it knocked out two bandits and split the rest up how they wanted it. Raikou would take four of the ten bandits. While Ino and Shikamaru would only have to deal with two each. Raikou then quickly charged his group of 4, wasting no time as he pulled two kunai and held them in reserve grip. As he went for a strike on one of the bandits, the bandit blocked it with his sword, Raikou swept his left leg to trip his foe, once he completed the leg sweep, he quickly tossed both kunai at the bandits feet. Hitting the top of both of the bandits right and left foot. Raikou shifted his focus to the other three bandits since he knew that one bandit was out of the fight for the next few minutes. Raikou had to quickly dodge two swords swipes, then he kicked the bandits hand forcing him to drop the sword. As the bandit dropped the sword, Raikou jumped and spun around to kick the bandit hard in his chest. The bandit stumbled but before he knew it, he felt pain in his stomach. The blonde hair ninja had thrown a kunai into the bandits stomach. Now only two bandits were left. Both bandits charged the blonde hair kid, not wanting him to be able to separate and take them out. Raikou quickly pulled out a short sword and engaged the bandits. The bandits were pretty good, their teamwork was amazing. One would come in hard and aggressive while the other would defend his aggressive friend. Raikou had no time to think or even try to take an offensive approach. The bandits were not more skilled than he was but they were stronger and older.  Finally Raikou had an idea. He made two quick shadow clones and sent them after one of the bandits while he took the other bandit. Raikou sent water bullets at the bandit but it was dodged then he charged, his sword swinging hard and fast trying to cut his opponents head off but it was blocked then he tried for the legs, that two was blocked. Being a little frustrated, Raikou sent a powerful kick at the bandits head, but it was blocked too, but Raikou just spun around and chopped both bandits legs off. The bandit just fell to the hard ground and Raikou was already moving on to the next and last bandit. Raikou sent another shadow clone, the clone went through some hand signs and sent a wave of water at the last bandit. As the bandit dodged his attack the real Raikou sped towards where the bandit would dodge and drove his short sword through his heart. The bandit fell to the floor and Raikou quickly taking his sword out of the now dead bandits heart and running to catch up to his teammates. While running he was trying not to think about how he just killed a guy for the first time. But he was a ninja, he can deal with that later. Right now he is on a mission. Raikou was brought out of his thoughts by a loud scream.  Raikou quickly recognized that scream. He hurried his pace. Finally reaching his teammates, he saw three bandits either knocked out or killed, then he saw the last bandit with his sword raised. At the bandits foot was one of his teammates... it was Shikamaru, he was knocked out unable to see the sword of the bandit being swung down at her head. Raikou watched and couldn't believe it, he wasn't going to make it in time. All he could do was let out a blood howling scream . .  SHIKAMARU!!!

AN: Cliff hanger . . . Let me know what y'all think... See ya later 

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