Promise Fulfilled

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Team Guy had just arrived at the entrance to the hideout. Neji spotted Kakashi and Raikou not too far to the right, so the team decided to head that way. When Team Guy arrived next to Kakashi, they saw an unconscious Akatsuki member and Raikou a few steps away. Up in a tree was a Shadow Clone of Raikou with Gaara who was unconscious. 

Kakashi: Ah Guy, good of you to arrive when the fighting is over

Guy: Oh Kakashi, you and your cool attitude 

Raikou: How about you be useful and make sure the Akatsuki member is down for the count.

Guy: Oh Raikou, you are getting an attitude like my eternal rival

Raikou just ignored Guy. After a few seconds Guy finally walked over to the down rogue ninja. Once he got a look at him, he noticed the smirk the blonde rogue ninja had on his face. Then Guy turned, took off running while yelling for everyone to run away, but it was too late. There was no way they would out run the blast. Team Guy decided if they were going out, at least they were going out together, so the team stopped running and had a group hug. After a few seconds, Neji noticed they were all still alive and started looking around. The rest of tram Guy was confused until they saw Kakashi, down on one knee and taking heavy breaths. 

Guy: K-Kakashi was that your doing?

Kakashi too tired to even talk just nodded his head yes, Raikou saw this so he explained it to team Guy.

Neji: I see, thats a crazy powerful technique of those eyes or eye in your case

Guy: Leave it to my rival to do something like this! Now to match him I shall run around the Leaf Village 500 times!

Lee: Guy Sensei I am inspired by your words!! I shall be joining you!

Guy: Oh Lee

Lee: Guy Sensei

Guy: Lee

Before the worst sight known to man could be seen, Raikou quickly broke up the student-teacher moment

Raikou: Thats enough, lets go check on the other group

Raikou got a shadow clone to carry Kakashi and Gaara, then he led the group back to the front of the entrance to the cave. Once they arrived inside the cave, they saw puppets and kunai everywhere. They also saw a good chunk of poison in some corners of the cave. Naruto was standing in the middle of the cave with a few cuts on his clothes but other than that he looked ready to battle again. Sakura was a different story, she had cuts and bruises everywhere and was sweating like she spent all day training but she seemed fine. Lastly, Lady Chiyo was currently being healed by Sakura. Naruto noticed the group first, he sprinted towards the group followed by Sakura

Naruto: Is Gaara going to be alright?

Raikou: I don't know . . . Sakura can you look at him

The pink hair didn't even respond but quickly started checking on the Kazekage. After a minute or so of healing she looked up at the group

Sakura: I don't know what's wrong but we are losing him fast

Raikou: Its Shukaku, check his seal on his stomach, there is no way they could had extracted all of him 

Sakura quickly cut open Gaara and saw his seal was messed up and slowly the tailed beast chakra was coming out of Gaara. Not knowing what to do, Sakura started to panic a little

Raikou: Sakura calm down, just keep him alive long enough for me to redo his seal!

It took a good two hours for Raikou to be able to redo the seal. The original seal was not very good so Raikou improved it where Gaara would be able to at least sleep at night. The group of Konoha Ninja decided to rest for a hour before they made the trip back to the sand village. 

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