Wave to the Leaf

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The battle quickly began. Zabuza sent 4 water clones out to attack the Leaf ninja. Raikou quickly pulled two kunai out and dashed towards the clones. He slashed one on the neck, not bothering to stop. Then he kicked the water clone in the hand to stop the sword from swinging while also slicing the neck. Then quickly fired two kunai at the last two clones. In about a few seconds, Raikou had quickly taken care of the cloning problem.

Zabuza: Huh, he's new and fast. Haku, he might be faster than you.

Haku: We shall see.

The masked ninja then sent two senbons at the blonde hair ninja. Raikou blocked the senbons and made a shadow clone. Raikou quickly made hand signs. Then shouted

Raikou: Water style: Water Dragon Missile

The shadow clone waited for the jutsu to hit but it never did. The masked ninja blocked it with a Water Wall. The clone engaged Haku in Taijutsu while the original waited a few yards away

Zabuza thoughts: This kid is no joke, if he started with a jutsu like that he's probably got a lot of chakra. Plus, he sent his clone to learn her taijutsu. He might be too much for her.

Haku was struggling a bit. She was pretty decent at taijutsu but this guy was on another level. Yet she was only fighting a clone. She finally was able to land a powerful hit on the clone to dispel it. When Haku looks up she sees Raikou with his hands on the ground

Raiko: Lightning Style: Spider Web

Raikou sent out a spider web of lightning that caught Haku, with the water around, it hit the girl and made her fall unconscious.

Ai thoughts: I can't believe Haku was defeated that easily.

Zebuza: Ai! Quickly grab Haku. You two stay back for now. Yuki, let's take the adults now.

Zebuza charged at Kakashi, swinging his sword down to slice him in half, Kakashi dodged then threw two kunai at Zebuza, the demon of the mist blocked them with his sword but failed to see Kakashi charge him, the masked ninja suntan elbow to the nose then spun around kicking him in the stomach. Pushing Zebuza back a few feet. Kakashi tried to follow that up by throwing another punch but he had to quickly jump to his left to avoid the giant sword. Kakashi had to keep dodging the sword as Zebuza kept wildly swinging it at Kakashi.

Asuma took out his trench knives to block this girls sword. Asuma wouldn't even call it a sword, it was more like a giant needle. Then it clicked, Asuma now knew he was battling a swordsman of the mist. He dodged her sword and tried to slice Yuki's neck but the women blocked it with her sword. Asuma had to change his strategy, she was faster than him and the needle sword was pretty long so it gave her the reach advantage.

Sasuke was having a difficult time. The fight started off pretty good, him and the masked ninja girl were pretty even. Then Sasuke got the advantage but all of a sudden, he was surrounded by ice mirrors. For a little while, he could block those senbons but the girl get getting faster. Now, Sasuke had two needles in each arm, and two in his right leg. He was running out of ideas until

Naruto: 'Whispers' Hey Sasuke, I saw you needed help.

Sasuke: You dobe, why sneak up on me and not the enemy?

Naruto just shrugged his shoulders. Sasuke grew a tick mark.

Sasuke: Hmm, lets just do it Naruto

Naruto smiled, him and Sasuke went through hand signs then shouted

Sasuke: Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!

Naruto: Wind Style: Great Breakthrough

The two attacks combine to break some of the mirror's. The two Leaf ninja made a run for it, not noticing behind them. The girl came out of a mirror, threw two senbons at Naruto's back. Said boy fell to the ground, Sasuke stopped, help Naruto to his feet then started to run but stopped when he noticed that the mirrors fixed themselves.

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