Team Kakashi vs Akatsuki

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Once Raikou took down the barrier, Sakura punched and destroyed the rock. The group of ninja walked into the hideout. They saw two shinobi, once looked like a hunchback and the other was a blonde, sitting on Gaara. 

Blonde: Well well well, looks like we have company, Sasori my man

Sasori: I can see that Deidara

Deidara: Shut your mouth

Sasori: How mature blondie

Raikou: I hate to interrupt, but Blondie, I need my friend back


For the first time, the two S rank rogue ninjas looked over the ninja that arrived in one of their hideouts.

Deidara: What do we have hear?

Sasori: Oh, we got two of Konaha's best that came for us

Deidara: Man, Kakuzu is going to be jealous

Sasori: Yes, quite the bounty between those two

Raikou: Enough talk, I came here to retrieve the Kazekage not chit chat

Sasori: Ah a bold one 

Before Sasori could finish his sentence, Raikou sent a huge wave at the two, Deidara made a clay bird, then grabbed Gaara and took off out of the cave. Kakashi and Raikou quickly followed. Naruto quickly made 5 clones and sent them at Sasori, while the real him, Sakura, and Granny made a plan. Sakura seem a little scared, but the old granny reassured her. Once Sasori took out the clones, Granny stepped forward with a bunch of kunai that she pulled from her sleeve and fired a bunch at the rogue ninja. Sasori appeared to block them but cuts formed on his cloak, then having enough, he ripped his cloak.

Sasori: Since you are being defiant, I have no choice but to go all out!

 Granny Chiyo went on to explain to them that what they are seeing is not the real Sasori and that is a puppet while his body is inside the puppet. The Puppet he is using is called Hiruko, he made it to deal with puppet master's biggest weakness, which was close combat. 

Chiyo: To get the real Sasori out, we need to destroy that Hiruko. 

Naruto: I can distract him, when he is too focused on me, then it will come down to you Sakura

Sakura: W-what?

Chiyo: I agree

Naruto: Right. lets go

With that, Naruto created 5 more shadow clones, two charge Sasori directly, he immediately took them out with his tail. When Hiruko looked up, he saw two of Naruto's clones going through hand signs

Nclone1: Wind style: Great breakthrough 

Nclone2: Earth style: Earth spears

5 spears shot towards "Sasori" but the wind increased the speed, the puppet master was able to block three spears but two of them hit its mark, the mask looking thing on Satori's back. Both hit the right side, causing the smallest crack. Naruto, smiled then sent his other clones towards the puppet, again the puppet's tail made quick work of the clones. Naruto frowns a little, thinking of his next move, Hiruko already moved, planning on eliminating Chiyo. She noticed, and dodged to the right but she fell for the fake attack and the tail went with her but before the tail could pierce her, it was deflected. Chiyo looked and saw the famous chakra chains coming from Naruto.

Chiyo: Why thank you young man

Naruto: No problem, lets just remain focus

Sasori then took the cloth that was covering his puppet's face and began firing a bunch of poison senbons towards Naruto, Sakura, and Chiyo. The group of three effortlessly dodged all the senbon.

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