The Lost Wand

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REMINDER: this started as a one shot. Reader (y/n) is starting as the new fifth year. You've already been at Hogwarts a couple of days.

Enjoy!! :)

You trailed your hand along the stone, cold wall of the common room entrance. It had been a long day, to put it lightly. Your legs ached from running everywhere, checking behind every loose corner for spare coins or examining every empty classroom for a hopeless sense of direction.

The worst of it all, you had to imagine, had been trying to find out the secrets of Hogwarts. Professor Fig had encouraged you to get a lay of the land at Hogwarts before venturing out into the county, but with reckless ambition, you had chosen to do both. There were so many goddamn puzzles around that you felt your eyes were beginning to bleed. You imagined if you cast Revelio one more time, you damn well thought you might go mad. So grudgingly, one by one, you began to slink down the spiral stairs into the Slytherin common room, dreaming about the cushy bed waiting for you at the bottom.

Since your last time entering at this hour, you had gained much more familiarity with the castle and the way things worked around you. You understood that this time, no one would be in the common space at this hour and you could quietly slip into the bed in your dorm to get at least a couple of hours of sleep. Merlin forbid, not too much, as you still had potions in the morning. Professor Sharp was, of course, the type of man to start a class before the sun had even began to shine.

You continued down the stairs, closing your eyes as a silent yawn escaped your mouth, thinking to yourself that maybe you really should be getting more sleep after all. Approaching the bottom of the stairs, the thoughts were knocked from your head much as wind escaped  your lungs. You had tripped over something at the bottom of the stairs and gone tumbling on.

The object in which you had crashed groaned and you blinked back in disbelief. Ominis Gaunt sat crouched on the stone floor, a look of what you read as anger flashed in his eyes and he turned to face you. You did not know Ominis well. In fact, you had only met him once on your first day, though your friend, Sebastian, talked about him quite often. Still, it was obvious to see he was not happy for the intrusion.

"Dear, Merlin!" He cursed, his tone full of venom. "What is there?!"

You hadn't thought of it till now, but if anyone were to find you slinking around in the dark past curfew it would be him. Not just because of your luck and the awful fact that you assumed he despised you, but because with his heightened hearing you imagined he must've known for sure that that was you trudging down those stairs.

You weren't sure what it was about Ominis, but whenever you were around him, you seemed to be on your worst behavior. In a sense, he brought out the child in you. A form of you with more energy and humor. Yet also a form of you that had you stumbling down staircases and losing points to Slytherin on your 2nd day. (Who would have known you couldn't practice leviosa on that girl's gobstones? You surely thought they wouldn't just keep rising into the stratosphere! But the look on her face had been just the slightest bit funny. At least Sebastian had thought so before he had been reprimanded as well.) Of course, at this moment, you really hadn't been trying to pull a prank on him. You truly tried your best to silently slither to your bed, however, being graceful had never really been your strong suit.

Though what about his wand? You wondered. That surely would have alerted him of your arrival. You had seen him clearly identify any student based solely upon one red vibration of it before.

"Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on a blind man? Reveal yourself!" He continued, disrupting you from your thoughts. His voice, as it often was when dealing with you and your little accidents, was bitter yet still proper. It had a posh ring to it as if each word he said was worth more than the coins you had been scrounging around to buy some new attire in Hogsmeade. You realized you still hadn't responded.

Oh, Merlin. It's you. (Ominis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now