Is This Goodbye?

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Warning: SAD! Sorry.

You shifted around uncomfortably in your seat as Sebastian told you what he had found in the scriptorium last night after you'd left. The rest of the class held a quiet buzz as students practiced a new spell Professor Ronen had been teaching a few minutes prior. He had given you work time to practice with a partner, but Sebastian made it clear you would be doing nothing of the sorts. Instead, he had scooted closer to you, whispering in an obviously suspicious way whilst keeping his head low. You could not help but dart your eyes to Ominis every so often who made no effort to match your acknowledgment. Rather, he continued with the Hufflepuff girl next to him as if the two of you didn't exist. Ominis had kept his distance from the two of you the whole morning. Even at breakfast, he had sat on the other end of the long tables from you. Something which was particularly insulting to you as Ominis was not the type to interact with new strangers unless absolutely necessary.

You wished he would just tilt his head ever so slightly in your direction. The telltale sign that he was listening to you from across the room. However, he made no such move.

"Y/n, are you even listening to me? The book was full of ancient magic spells!" Sebastian interjected, his voice an urgent whisper.

"Sallow. Y/n." Professor Ronen made a few, crisp steps over to your desk. The quiet chatter in the classroom lulled as people's heads turned to you. Embarrassing as it was, it seemed to finally win Ominis' attention. He put down his wand and listened. "Though it does look like a very interesting conversation you're having, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to hold it until after class. Any progress on your spellwork?"

"Yes, professor." You piped up quickly. Eyes hastily darting from Ominis to the professor.

"Very well." He extended his hands. "Care for a demonstration then?."

Your blood ran cold and Sebastian sunk into his seat, grateful it was you doing the demo and not himself. He was very behind on homework from his recent quests.

You cleared your throat with a quick ahem and extended your wand as gracefully as possible, allowing it to land upon a large feather resting between Sebastian and your books on the desk. " Wingardium leviosa !" you called with a flick. But the feather did not rise. The day could really not be getting any worse. You felt the blood rush up to your face and you did not dare look at Ominis now. Normally you were a master at spell casting, you weren't sure what had happened.

Professor Ronen soon put you out of your misery. "Unfortunate." Was all he said for a moment before continuing. "Even more unfortunate that that's not the spell I instructed you to practice. It would do the both of you good to pay more attention in class. I expect better from you."

You wanted to clank your head on the desk in desperation but already had too many students watching you. In enough time, everyone returned to what they had been doing before.

"Bloody hell." Sebastian sighed, sitting up slightly. "What's his deal today?"

"That was mortifying, Sebastian."

"Yes, it was. Thanks for taking one for the team, y/n. I owe you one."

"You owe me lots of 'ones', Sebastian."

He laughed quietly. "Suppose I do, huh?"

The both of you tried to put your heads back into class but were far too busy thinking about other things. Professor Ronen finally adjourned class and you escaped into the crowd of departing students before he could stop you to talk. You knew he would tell you he was disappointed again and your heart truly could not take another beating.

Oh, Merlin. It's you. (Ominis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now