Christmas in Feldcroft

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You felt the delicate rays of sunshine prickling the little bit of exposed skin on your neck as the sun began to rise over Feldcroft. Ominis and you had not moved from your position since night. He failed to mention that his legs had long fallen asleep from you still sitting atop his lap, and quite frankly, because he did not care. All bundled up in a mess of thrown-about coats and a mangled blanket, the two of you made up for lost time with stolen touches and blinded smiles. Never had Ominis ever imagined that the next time he'd have a day that bad, he'd have someone there to take care of him so effortlessly. You had brushed the hair from his face and lulled him to daydreams as if you had climbed inside his own brain to see exactly what he needed.

You stayed up much too late talking and laughing, as you always did. Ominis confessed to you that Solomon hated him and you confessed that you thought you hated Solomon. When the two of you had finally run out of things to say to one another to prolong your time as much as possible, it became clear it was time to head back inside.

You tiptoed inside carefully. Neither of you was sure what time it was and you hoped that you would not wake anyone when you carefully slipped back into your respective beds. This plan was, however, hastily soiled upon the creaking open of the front door open.

"Where have you two been?" Solomon's voice roared like a spitting fire. He, Sebastian, and Anne all stood in the living room staring at the two of you creeping in. The sight alone began to heat your body with a great flush, thawing your limbs which had fallen victim to the outside temperature. Their faces all stared back at you in anticipation. Judgement? You weren't sure, but you did know that you were surely horrified. Ominis did not look any less stressed. He gripped the blanket with white knuckles. Whatever act the two of you had been trying to put on to dissuade Anne was surely compromised now.

"Surprise!" Sebastian threw his hands up and adorned a large toothy smile. Solomon and Anne turned to him in confusion as if he had violated something between the three of them. Sebastian began to laugh now, anxiously looking around. "I got you! I got you, didn't I?"

"What?" Solomon's eyes remained fixed upon his nephew.

"Ha. Ha, I did not think the two of you would fall for it. Head's too full of honey wine, eh?" Sebastian still looked very uneasy.

"Sebastian?" Anne asked.

"It was just a silly prank! I told them we would be sleeping above the crane tonight. But I did not think they would actually fall for it. Look! They've even brought their blanket and everything, poor souls! How long were you out there before you realized we were not coming?" This surely came as news to the other members of his family who all still stared at him in shock. Sebastian had lied for the two of you and you felt incredibly grateful.

"You what ? You knew that this whole time and you did not say anything?" Solomon was thundering now, shoulders tensing as he walked closer to Sebastian. "Do you realize what could have happened? What if Anne had overheard you and joined them outside? In the cold, she could have died Sebastian. Once in your life have you ever thought of anyone but yourself?"

Sebastian's eyes drooped while Anne's fell to the floor. She went to protest but began to cough, doubling over herself as she writhed.

Oh, Merlin. It's you. (Ominis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now