Chapter 9 : Finding new love...

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The beginning of it all...

A week passed since Devon was admitted to the hospital and he was finally taken home on a private contract he signed to recover, be taken care of at his home and have a personal nurse and doctor. This contract was secluded to the private patients in the hospital.

Devon was taken to his home. The ambulance was directed to his home, they arrived to a three story mansion, that had a big fountain outside. The ambulance entered the magnificent mansion and they were met by maids and butlers. A sleeping Devon was taken upstairs to his his room with an elevator that was built into his mansion. They layed Devon on his bed, hooked him to the machines and called in the doctor and nurse.

 They layed Devon on his bed, hooked him to the machines and called in the doctor and nurse

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What his mansion looks like.


After some time, Devon was finally good-to-go and they assigned Evanly to be his private nurse and caretaker.

Later that night at around midnight, Evanly had dozed off. Devon finally woke up and found himself in his bed, hooked up to machines but that didn't surprise him, what surprised him more was seeing Evanly sleeping beside him on a couch. He stared at her, unknowingly admiring her. As he stared at her, he saw bits of tears pouring down her face, she was crying?

 As he stared at her, he saw bits of tears pouring down her face, she was crying?

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What his bedroom looks like.

He saw her sleeping face sadden and it made him feel worried for some reason. All he could do was watch her, eventually she woke up and saw Devon staring at her with those seductive blue eyes. She stared back at him, they both stared at each other for a while, not saying a single word.

"Hey...", Evanly said, breaking the silence.

"Hey...", Devon said, as a faint smile appeared on his face.

"What's up? Are you okay?", she asked with a low, soft voice.

"I need some painkillers, my head is killing me.", he replied.

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